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a more recent puppy pic


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I announced in the beginning of the week of our soon to be new Cairn pup...here is a picture taken today at the breeder's home.

I am holding her for my SU to take a pic. What I like about her is she is very cool, calm and collected when you hold her, she is sure of herself and playful and independent when interacting with her siblings...I have first pic and I think I am making a good choice.


She is 7 weeks old.

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just to avoid confusion, we were visiting the pups yesterday not taking her home.

I think she is a "Cricket"...when she runs she looks like a cricket...but that name isn't set in stone.

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SU=Signifigant Unit...it is used to describe your husband, partner, etc...my husband in my case.

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What a gorgeous little girl.....congratulations!!!!

I'm so glad Ellie asked about the SU - I didn't know what it was either.

Again, congratulations and we look forward to tons of pictures!

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She is precious! I just love Cairn puppy faces...they look just like little teddy bears!

I like the name Cricket too. :)

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What a little doll! I too love the name Cricket! Believe me, she will more than live up to the name if that's what you choose. It will actually be more like Taz after a while. :lol:

I know you can't wait to get her home with you. Good luck, and post lots of pics.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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She is beautiful. I'm so jealous....our little boy is still 4 weeks away from coming home.

I had a "cricket", she was a cockapool. She was my best friend as a young girl, so I'm very partial to the name!

Good Luck


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