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great poop cleanup solution!

Barney's Mom

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OK, how many people hate going out to the yard and do the endless search for poop to clean up?? Well, I have come up with something I think is pretty ingenious if I don't say so myself! :P

Go to the store and get some wooden cake testers (they are also called skewers). Each time your dog poops in the yard, mark it with the skewer (next to it, not in it.... ;) ). Then when it is time to do clean-up, you know exactly where to look. Just pick up the poop and take out the skewer! I keep a small flower pot next to the garage with some dirt in it, and just stick the skewers into the dirt when I am done with them, ready for another use! I only allow myself 4 skewers in the yard. More than that and I have waited too long to clean up the poop!

This works great for me!! It also keeps me from leading Barney out to poop and having him step in a pile, or me for that matter :sick: !

Happy scooping!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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That's a great idea. I already have some flag things on wires that we put in to mark the pop up sprinklers when dethatching, I could use those.

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Yes, I thought about those flags too. However, the skewers aren't as noticeable as the flags, but yet are easily seen when you do the clean up.

Barney's Mom

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Doesn't Barney try to chew up the skewers? Packy would have those babies pulled out and chewed up in a second. I can see it now, it would be like a game...

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Barney pretty much does his thing, then goes for a short reward walk around the yard (on the leash), then comes inside. When he is inside and content to chew on a bone or play with his toys, or taking a nap, I go out and clean up his stuff! He doesn't get to the skewers when out for potty because I have him on the leash and can guide him away. I am sure if he had run of the yard he would make quick work of them though! Our yard is not completely fenced, so I have to keep him on a lead.

The other day it gave me a clue to what he would do....I dropped a pencil in my kitchen and he took off with it like a bandit!!! It was as if he knew he had something he should'nt and was going to get away as fast as he could!! We were all busting up with laughter! We did get the pencil back, with lots of little puppy teeth marks of course! :)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Barney pretty much does his thing, then goes for a short reward walk around the yard (on the leash), then comes inside. When he is inside and content to chew on a bone or play with his toys, or taking a nap, I go out and clean up his stuff! He doesn't get to the skewers when out for potty because I have him on the leash and can guide him away. I am sure if he had run of the yard he would make quick work of them though! Our yard is not completely fenced, so I have to keep him on a lead.

The other day it gave me a clue to what he would do....I dropped a pencil in my kitchen and he took off with it like a bandit!!! It was as if he knew he had something he should'nt and was going to get away as fast as he could!! We were all busting up with laughter! We did get the pencil back, with lots of little puppy teeth marks of course! :)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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we have our own ultimate recycling machine, Fergus eats his own poo so we have to go on poo patrol when he's outside :sick:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I have two Cairn's and we do not pick up their poo in the yard. I am always out with them and have stepped into the poo just once in the 4 years we have had Scout. I wear rubber clogs in the yard in case I step into anything, but also because the grass is usually wet. We are outside alot and I am an avid gardener. I do find OTHER dogs poo in our yard every so often, and I will pick it up so we don't step on it.

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I pick up my dog's poo as soon as I see it. Especially in the summer, I'd rather not leave it around to attract flies. It seems just as much trouble to me to mark where it is as it is to pick it up right then and there.

I buy small plastic food storage bags, put one over my hand, grab the poo, and fold the bag up over and closed. It then goes directly into the garbage can outside.


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