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Puppy fuzz..


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Hi everyone. We have our new puppy!!!! His name is Loki, (couldn't have picked a better name) :devil: He is so funny though and so much character for a young pup! Will post a pic if I ever get it figured out :confused: I have a question on puppy hair. Is it important to get all of it out? What about the face, particularly the muzzle and chin?

Thanks everyone!


Welcome! If you plan on stripping your puppy, then yes, you would want to pull out all of the puppy hair. This isn't something that you HAVE to do but it will ensure that your Cairn has the proper Cairn coat. If this isn't important to you, then you wouldn't have to strip the coat. It is really a personal choice. Good luck and welcome to Cairn talk!

Edited to add that I stripped Savannah's face and muzzle when I did her full strip. She looked naked for a while but it grew back. :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


I never pulled the hair on Sugar's head until she was about 5 months old and then it was just very little.

Here is what she looked liked after the breeder pulled her at 11 weeks

When I do her head I use the sticky fingers to pull the longer hairs.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Thankyou for your comments. Sugar is gorgeous! :halo:


What an original pic of Sugar! Was she sent "Special Delivery" ? Can't think of a better present. She is precious.


Welcome to Cairn Talk! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Loki!

Sugar is soooo cute!


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