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Today we received 5" of rain and it's still coming down.

Why do Elliott and Maddy refuse to poop in the rain? Elliott attacks hoses, they both love their swimming pool but come the rain, it's either major constipation or the more usual approach....poops on the rug!

I let them out at least 10 times...I went with them and endured the elements. Tried the "It's a cat in the yard" approach but no-go.

I just cannot understand it :confused:

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i feel your pain. We havent gotten as much as you, but it seems constant drizzel and it's making me crazy. 44 degrees today, I am freezing. I've spent the last two days in the basement because the lighting in my sewing studio is nice and bright and i cant see the doom and gloom outside.

Neither of my dogs like to pee in the rain either, and forget trying to get them to poop. If this goes on any longer, I'm going to sod the garage!!! Now wouldnt they love an indoor play yard! Nice and dry!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I'm seriously thinking about putting a permanent canopie over a part of their "yard". Although there are shade trees there, it would keep at least a section of their area dry.

Please tell me my dogs are not spoiled...

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I've thought about a canopy too, along side of the garage. I use a golf umbrella, but it's a little hard to hold along with the two of them on leashes.

Face it, they're all spoiled!! And we did it! LOL

Mine are both stretched out on quilts right now....they're pathetic!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I swear Kiara will hold it 12 hrs or more if it's raining. I have a giant beach umbrella that I've been known to try and take her and Abbey out under. :confused: Only Hannah has no problem w/ weather. Kiara and Abbey normally sleep in the kitchen, but if it there's so much as the faint sound of thunder, Kiara demands to be in her crate. Also, her crate must be next to my bed, or she's not satisfied. Needless to say, she taught Abbey to fear thunder too. :mad:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Sophie is not an advocate of a damp backside thats for sure. Oh she loves to walk around in the cold rain, sniffing everything in sight and of course I am drenched...but to actually squat...she's apparently too delicate for that :)



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I feel everyones pain! It's been either raining or drizzle for days now...

I'm lucky that they boys will poop/pee as long as it isn't pouring outside...

We do have a 2-1/2foot overhang that goes all the way around the house, so I do have spots where I can take them without getting wet to pee.... but pooping in pouring rain? even under the protection of the overhang? Not going to happen!

I will admit that I have put paper down in the garage before and patted it and said 'poop for mommy', 75% of the time they comply - This i'll do if it's a Monsoon outside.... better on paper than my Oriental rugs!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Eli, here! WOOF to you all! C'mon, fellow members of CUR! Do your business outside! It's just water. I do not mind the stuff and we've had plenty here lately. It does cut into my running around relentlessly-barking-my-fool-head-off time, but does NOT hinder my favorite game: barking desparately to get in and then standing right outside the door, looking at the upright like she is crazy (she is) and refusing to budge. Repeat as often as needed! :thumbsup:

Less outside time means more running around all crazy inside, ya know? :devil:

Oh, and when you do finally agree to come in, don't forget to shake off the rain RIGHT NEXT TO THEIR BARE LEGS! Then be sure to dry off on those Oriental rugs. They make the best towels. :P

Repeat as needed!


Eli, the fearless leader of CUR B)

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WOOF to Elliot! Dude, we look exactly alike! B)B) Are we twins separated at birth?

I have a great idea! Wouldn't it be cool if all us look-a-likes could pull a big SWITCH on those uprights? Do ya think they'd NOTICE? 'Course, if I were to switch with you, Elliot, I might have to act a bit nuttier. I bet I could do it, tho; no problem-o.

Let's think about this. Could be a HUGE step for the revolution!


Eli B)

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OOPS! :huh: I posted this on the wrong thread. Maybe Uncle Brad could move it to the one with all the cameleon pictures!


Eli :confused:

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