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I'll be bringing home one of these girls soon


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After spending much time here, we have decided to take the Cairn plunge. :D I likely will be choosing the grey female on the left(right now she is somewhere in between a wheaten and a grey brindle) I believe the pic was taken when they were around 4 weeks old...

I'll be posting lots of pics. Will be bringing her home around the end of May or first week in June.


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Lucky you! This makes me want a puppy. They are both adorable and I know it was a hard decision. Keep us posted as to her progress, name, etc.

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I have to agree with mrskti. Take them both. I truly believe that the dogs do much better when they have a companion!


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I want the one you don't take! I am sure that I can devise a plan to hide the puppy from the DH for awhile.... :whistle: Thay are both precious!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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They are so adorable!!!! I want a little girl Cairn, too. My Bear NEEDS a younger sister. Someday, it will happen. Let us know when you get her. She looks so sweet.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :)


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I have first pick on the litter of 2 females and 5 males. I believe they are all spoken for except for 1 male. I was looking for a female.

I personally would never take littermates, but it is tempting because they are so cute.

She won't be lonely though, she will have a big goofy Lab sister to play with.

I will be posting lots of pictures.

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