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Still missing Mr Mack


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:( It has been six months since Mr Mack, my 4 year old Cairn suddenly died from liver failure. Although I now have a new little Cairn "Will" I sure do miss Mr Mack. He had such a unique personality (as do all Cairns from what I have read) and should have had much more time with me.... :(

I picture him in a better place, feeling good and sharing his infamous kisses with all. My heart still hurts for him terribly.

My new little man brings a lot of new joy to life around here and definely helps my other dog "Grace" be a happier dog.

Still sad though.... and missing my "damian" Mr Mack....



I'm so glad that you now have Will. Mr. Mack's sweet face just made me smile. I know you miss him dearly.

  • 2 weeks later...

:( Mr Mack.... I sure am missing you. Seems like I think as much as I play with Gracie and her new little brother Will. We have put our family back together but you are missed so dearly.... I miss those kisses you like to give out! I miss the way you would snuggle with me for a nap. I haven't taken a nap since you left.. :( I miss the way you would greet me when I came up the steps, your little butt sticking up and your wagging tail. You did that everytime I came up the steps - even if I had only been down to do the laundry. :( I miss your "pouting" under the bed, especially those times when you leave your little but sticking out enough for me to see it. I knew that was my clue to come get you and suck up :) I miss your happy little mood in the mornings - especiallly the way you would squirm around on your back making that possesed little "devilish growling thing". I miss your speed and curiosity on our walks. I miss how you would just charge for your kennel when you saw me get a treat. I miss about everything about you Mr Mack "my little damian" or "my little stinky" I know you loved me a lot - you made sure I knew that our last days together... and I know that you knew I loved you the most! More than words could ever say. I like to think of you up there with Bob looking out for you - and you giving him many of those great kisses.

I have to believe that we will meet again - it just has to be! Until then, I picture you walking and running around - free, in no pain, with your silly little expersions. And playing nicely with all the other dogs there. I will always love and miss you Mr Mack.

Sweet Dreams my baby...... ur MOM - me

  • 5 months later...

It was a year ago today that Mr Mack went on to the rainbow bridge. A whole year and several big changes but not a day that I haven't remembered my "little man" Mr Mack. I guess a CairnKid has a way of stealing one's heart forever....

I still have a hurt in my heart when I think of how much I miss him, and I also have very many moments of cherished memories that make me smile.

Until we meet again, I will remember and laugh or cry.... sending a hug and kiss to my "little man" :halo:



I'm sending your little man a big hug and kiss too. I lost my Missy 2 years ago on November 9th and a day does not go by where I dont miss her. I had her for 17 years and even though it was a long time there never is enough time with our friends. I lost her to liver failure too but from old age. It is so sad when we lose them at such a young age but please do know my heart is aching with you.

Heaven hugs to your little man and you too

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial


My heart aches too for my little lucy who died august 24th aged 12years.

I feel for you it must have been so hard to let go of one so young :cry: four years of love is better than a lifetime of cruelty so try to think of all the good times you shared in that short time he had on earth. I am sure you will meet again one day :hug:


It has often been said if you have a Cairn Terrier in your home for a year you will have one for the rest of your life


It is amazing the joy and pain these darlings can bring to us. My heart hurts for you and little Mack. My brother told me when they go to Heaven they get to eat whatever they want whenever they want it. I have a feeling we may have to fight God for our precious pets, as He has the best.

What was wrong with Mack that made him go away so young?

  • 1 year later...

It has now been 2 years since Mr Mack left for the rainbow bridge..... I think of him every day and miss him so very much - still...

It has been almost 4 months since his sister Gracie went to join him at the bridge. My heart aches for them and I long to see them again one day. I picture them side by side now, both happy and free from all pains.

Will and I are mostly happy and hopefully one day I will see that Will gets a pet-mate! Until then - I shower him with love and tell him stories of Mr Mack and Gracie.

I miss and love you so very much - Gracie and Mr Mack... Enjoy playing, until we meet again.... Mom


Hi Linda,

I do understand how you are feeling. It is even more difficult for you given the recent loss of Gracie as well. I think losing another beloved fur-friend so soon brings all those fragile feelings bubbling to the surface yet again. It sometimes feels as though you are grieving all over again.

Last night, I was cleaning out the shelves in my bedroom closet. I found the throw that Zoe had spent her last night resting on in our home before we lost her two years ago this past March. All those sad memories came rushing back to me, and I cursed myself for having kept that little throw. But in the end, I was glad I did. I know it sounds very silly but I held that throw so close and smelled it hoping Zoe's scent might still be there.

It does give me comfort to know she rests in a better, peaceful place tonight. I hold fast to the knowledge that one day all of us will experience the a sweet and joyous reunion with our very best friends.

My best to you,



I lost my Sandy in February, and I still miss him every day. I know what you are going through. He was so special to me. I do feel him with me always as I am sure you feel Mr. Mack with you. Maybe Mr. Mack and Sandy are together running around.


Yes, it is very hard. Missy has been gone 3 years November 9th 2004 I still hurt and still cry. The Holidays are hard but I know one day I will be with her forever. I have my Kramer who I don't know what I would do without him.

Always having female dogs growing up and 2 weeks before our wedding we bought Missy. I have to say Kramer is such a sweet gentle loving little boy. I love him dearly, he helped me so much threw the 3 years we have had him. I know Missy sent him to me knowing I needed a little boy who would shower me with such love. I try to think that Missy is in a better place, free of colitis, diabetes and pain free. I know our pups wait patiently for us and will greet us with a wagging tail and say welcome home!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial


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