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A new sister for Roxy....


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A few months back I was told about a cairn pup that might need a new home because of it's family circumstances. Well of course I said remember me if they have to get rid of her. We have been talking about buying another pup recently because we think Roxy would enjoy having a little sister.

I received a phone call this morning to tell me that the family are looking for a new home for their dog and I have just organised to go and meet her tomorrow, and probably bring her home. :D She is one month younger than Roxy and from what I'm told she sounds lovely. My only concern is how she will react to all the other pets we have - 16yr old cat, weiro and guinea pigs. As Roxy was introduced to them as a pup she has learnt not to bother them, I hope that we can train Suzie not to bother them too. I know it will be a bit hard at first but hopefully it will all work out and she can live happily with us.

Now I'm so excited I can't get my brain into work mode - it's a good thing I work for myself or I'd get sacked :D

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Oh how exciting! Having 2 Cairns is almost as wonderful as having 3. :lol:

I wouldn't worry about the Guinea pig too much as long as you don't have his cage within Cairn reach. I have gerbils and when the wheel starts turning, the dog's ears go up and they stare but that's as far as it's gone.

Please keep us posted on your decision...

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How exciting! We want to see pics of Roxie and Susie! Best of Luck!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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That's wonderful that you're taking in another Cairn. We have a rabbit and a hamster. The hamster is in our sunroom and we just make sure the Cairns aren't around when dd plays w/ him. The rabbit is kept in an outdoor hutch when the weather is good. The Cairns only notice the rabbit when I'm taking food over to her. :) We previously had a guinea pig and again, the Cairns really didn't pay any attention to him, except when he was getting fed.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I picked Suzie up today, she is really sweet. :wub: She is a red brindle and is 8 months old, (10 days younger than Roxy). She is also bigger than Roxy and is in need of some serious grooming, but that can wait till she settles in.

When I introduced them they started playing almost immediately. Suzie's tail stood up atfer a couple of minutes and it hasn't stopped wagging all day :thumbsup: They have been playing chase and wrestling for most of the day. I'm wondering if they will ever stop to rest - they will run out of energy eventually - won't they ? :D

She has met my cat who has swiftly established herself as "boss cat" so I don't think I'll have too much trouble there. I will keep an eye on contact between them for a while though.

I think this is going to work out really well if today is anything to go on.

I got a couple of photos - it was really hard cos they were moving so fast.

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Wow! They look like they are having tons of fun together! They look so cute together because of the contrast of the coats!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I'm so glad they are getting along! Having two Cairns, I think, is easier than having just one.....they will become soul mates and very close friends...what more can you ask for?

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Your new addition is adorable! Love her coloring!!

It really does look like they are having a blast!!

Keep those pics coming!


Cathy and Piper

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I'm so glad they are getting along! Having two Cairns, I think, is easier than having just one.....they will become soul mates and very close friends...what more can you ask for?


Those two are going to have so much fun...and so will you! Congratulations.

Max and Nelly

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What fantastic news!! Good for all of you. Susie is so blessed to have a great family like yours. Suzie is one lucky little dog and you can tell by her HUGE smile that she is so happy to be part of your family. Congratulations!!

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What a cute shaggy face she has. Roxie is having a blast and Susie seems thrilled...good start then



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I'm so excited for you!

They look like they have bonded big time. Now you can sit back and enjoy the


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