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I'm Fbiki, Muugi's "other" half. (notice how I didn't say significant..... :P )

I too have come to love the Cairns. Widget has "tunneled" his was into our hearts and we are better for it......

Fbiki looks upon Widget in the garden, digging.

.....most of the time. :P

Of course, Widget always looks innocent...


I look forward to sharing my stories with you all and hearing all of yours!


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Welcome to Cairn Talk...you are going to have a blast here! I can't wait to hear all your stories about Widget!

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Welcome! We've done a lot of tunneling in the back yard since November 2004 when we moved here...mostly because there was the most intriguing colony of moles in the back yard when we moved in....fascinating! (There's nothing like a black brindle Cairn with a face full of Maryland red clay...)

Now we just tunnel for the sake of tunneling...so GO WIDGET. :D

Olie and Teddy

Max and Nelly

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Welcome!! Widget is absolutely adorable. That picture is great.

:offtopic: Are the first three letters of your user name an indication where you work?

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