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Great close up! As long as that squirrel doesn't move, I think they'll be able to view it. :D

Edited to add: If that picture was taken in my yard, that might be that squirrel's last supper. :huh:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Too funny!  All I have to do is whisper, "get the squirrel!" and they go tearing out the back door into the yard!



Yep...what I do is ask Olie and Teddy if they "want to feed the birdies", which seems to translate to "get the squirrels at the bird feeder". The sliding glass door to the yard may as well be a starting gate. :D

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Scully was safe - I'm looking at the squirrel here at work. It's a toss up which she hates more, the birds or the squirrels.

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My husband would have a heart attack if he saw that squirrel on our deck :D He'll be happy to yell "get that squirrel" to Alfie!!

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A.K.A. "Tree Rats"

Yeah they are cute, we don't currently have any, good thing--I couldnt stand any more dashing outside to bark!

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That is so cute, we don't have squirrels here, possums would be the closest thing but our possums are nocturnal and very sweet.

The thing that gets Rebel going is when I tell the kids to "feed the chickens", he runs straight up to the chook fence hoping someone will drop something, Rebel hates those chicken because they get all the yummy scraps :mad:

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Why Squirrels???Mine go so nuts they have ran through fences, ripped out chains, tried climbing trees. Bark, and bark and bark. We have so many squirrels, and I swear that they tease the dogs. They are not afraid. The dogs could care less about all the ducks or bunnies, just squirrels.

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