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Missed my baby.............


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We have been away with the kids this week and couldn't take Roxy :( It had been arranged that she would spend the week at grandma's house but a couple of days before we left she got sick and couldn't doggy-sit. I had to leave her at a kennel, it was pretty good one, but I felt sooo mean leaving her there. She seemed spooked by all the dogs barking (I think she remembered the beach incident from a few days earlier) and when the door was shut on her she jumped up looking so sad at me.

Well while I was away I worried so much about her. My common sense told me she was fine but I just kept finding myself thinking of her all by herself. I missed her sooo much. I can't believe how the little fur ball has wormed her way so deep in my heart. Hubby says from now on we will go on holidays to places we can take her with us, I'm lucky to have such an understanding guy, I think he missed her as well.

We got covered in puppy kisses when we picked her up this afternoon - it's sooo good to have her home with us. :wub:


Glad you had a good trip and glad that Roxy was ok...it's so hard when we are away from our babies!


I feel your pain.......I am not looking forward to our first trip away without our baby.....


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