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Bird Dog


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Elsa scored another poor birdie last night. She doesnt bark at all when she is seriously hunting, so I had no warning. She came tearing in as usual through the doggie door and we were fixing dinner so paid noooo attention. Then I happened to go into the livingroom and see a cloud of feathers all over my sofa! :sick:

Of course dh had to retrieve the prize from her mouth, I think he was more upset over the demise than me. I assured him it must have died instantly. I sure hope so!

What a huntress! These cairns must be wicked fast! :whistle:


Yum, dead bird on the sofa at dinner time. My favorite. :sick:

Congrats to Elsa, controller of the bird population! And thanks for not posting pics on this one...

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-M. Acklam

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I guess your husband has figured out by now that that's what Cairns do, kill and then bring in their prize to show it off to mom and dad.


I know I would have been upset over the bird only because I love feeding and watching them in my yard but Cairns are hunters and any type of prey on the ground is fair game.

Nature can be so cruel


I had to chuckle my cats have gotten in deep doo doo over killing birds, yet we are excited when the dog does it...nature is harsh




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