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Happy Birthday to Harry and Crunch


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Happy b-day. Hope you two have a wonderful "PAWTY" :)


Happy, happy birthday! Woof! :D

Max and Nelly


Oh Brin!! You are too nice and thoughtful!!! You beat me to it!! "Happy birthday to Crunch, happy birthday to Crunch, happy birthday dear Crunch and Harry!! Happy birthday to you both!!"

Yes, our little guys are growing up so fast! Let us know how you guys celebrate!! I'll post a picture of our party later :lol:


Happy, Happy Birthday!! :cake:

Cathy, Piper and family

Cathy and Piper


Happy Happy Birthday Harry and Cruch. Hope you have a wonderful day and get lots of treats!!!


Happy, Happy, Happy, Birthday!!!!



Have a great birthday! Are they getting separate presents?


Crunch and Harry were born on the same day but to different parents and in different parts of the country. Brinda and I just figured out one day that they shared the exact same birthday. They are related by coincidence only. But, I think if they met, they would be great friends.


What a terrific day in Cairn world - birthday greetings all around to Crunch and to Harry! Now knowing Harry, I'll bet he's gonna go skydiving or something like that.

Happy Birthday to two sweeties! :cake:


Happy Birthday to Harry and Crunch! Hope you get lots of treats and cake!

Hugs and kisses from Emma and Eric!

Lisa, I loved your photos from the hike. We have hiked Katahdin (sans Cairns) and it was beautiful! Can't wait to hear how Harry celebrates his big day! Cynthia


Happy birthday guys! I hope that you both have a great one!

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