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Hi, I don't post often but I do read regularly and love to hear all of your stories and advice. Well I was uploading some photos and thought you would all enjoy this--this is a picture of how Fiona "helps" me do laundry. :Dpost-1036-1145833364_thumb.jpg

ps...we did strip her after this, so please disregard her lion's mane :lol:

Liz (Fiona's Mommy)

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Fiona is a precious little girl. She looks great to me!! Funny how they are always where you are trying to work. Everytime I start the vacuum cleaner...there's my pup always sitting on the cord. I tell him to move and he will lay right back down on the other end of the cord. Go figure!

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that is really cute! Glad you decided to share that picture, hope to see more!

Lisa--just be glad that Fiona only tries to distract you, Abe jumps around begging to be picked up! He thinks I can carry him (in baby style) and work without any problems at all!!

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On top of the warm fresh out of the dryer clothes is also Darcy's favorite place. She prefers either sheet or towels, but anything will do if she knows I'm trying to fold whatever she has nestled on. Thanks for share your pic of your baby. She looks fine to me with her fur.

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