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Rebels a good watch dog


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Hi guys, I haven't been on for a while as my computor crashed and I couldn't fix it, after 2 long months away my hubby is home, Rebel was a great watch dog I let him free to roam the house at night and he was perfect hardly ever barked and didn't destroy a thing, I must say I slept much easier having him here.

Rebel was so funny when Ross got back, he wanted to be second in charge and followed Ross around while being very naughty with me :devil: I soon let him know it's actually me who is the alpha :lol:

Yesterday I turned 40 :shock: and decided that for my mid life crisis I would learn to play the piano, so we have bought a beautiful 100 year old piano and it is delivered on Thursday, now I am terrified that Rebel might be attracted to 100 years of strange scents and CHEW, here lies my true mid life crisis, protecting not playing the piano :P so can anyone offer any hints on introducing new furniture to the house?(Rebel chewed the odd chair when we first got him but now only chews my daughters shoes).

Cheers Debbie.

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Good to hear from you!! Glad Rebel did you proud. Sophie is not a chewer but adores second hand stuff...she will smell and lick them. You could try rubbing the legs with an essential oil dogs don't like. It works to keep cats from breaking their claws...kind of the same principle.



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Happy Birthday! Good to see you here again.

Maybe you could try Bitter Apple? I think you can buy it at Petsmart...but I don't know if you can use it on wood. Good luck!

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I can't recall who it is, but someone on the Forum put the legs of their Panio in pots, thus taking away the ability to gnaw on them.

If it's an upright, you can buy an ex-pen (they are around 16ft total length) and but it around the panio.... it's a grand or baby grand, 2 or 3 expens might be needed......

I've found that removing temptation is best, keeping Gremlin from the object. Bitter apple allows the dog to 'taste' the oject first, which can leave marks on it. Also my guy like the taste of the stuff! so it never worked for me.

But using ajax dish soap coated on the recliner handle (which happens to be Cairn eye height) has worked....:devil:


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Happy 4-OH! :cake: Great to see you back. I was going to suggest, like the others, the use of Bitter Apple but like Shoe said, I'm not sure if you can put it on furniture.

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Happy belated 40th birthday!

If Rebel isn't into chewing furniture I probably wouldn't worry too much. Keep an eye on him aroung the piano.

Despite all the things Elliott has done, he's never chewed furniture or our cabinets. We've recently remodeled both bathroom and kitchen so there major concern.

I have this picture in my mind of you playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and Rebel laying across the top of the piano.

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Thanks Guys, yesterday we spent the day arranging our furniture to accomodate the piano and I went on a big cleaning/polishing spree,as we have a lot of timber furniture I have come up with the idea of polishing everything I can with wood polish and then when I get the piano I will do it as well, then it should scent(blend) right in, also hoping the fact we just re-arranged everything will make it not stand out so much.


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