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Roxy learns a lesson...


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I took Roxy to the beach this morning with my sis and her lab-x Maddy. It was all going well with the girls, Maddy stick chasing, Roxy running and greeting all the other dogs. But then we came up to a group of 3 dogs, one was a boxer X with something big, Roxy did her usual jump-in-your-face greeting, well this guy didn't like it. He was on top of her growling and not letting her up. I could do nothing - sort of froze in shock. The owner was trying to pull him away, I got really scared when Roxy yelped cos I thought she was hurt. I picked her up when he controlled his dog - seemed like forever but it wasn't even a minute. She was okay (thank god) her little heart was racing and she was shook up. The guy was very appoligetic apparently but I was too busy checking Roxy. My sis said that Maddy had started to growl while this was happening like she wanted to protect Roxy, I'm glad she didn't start a fight it would have made it worse.

Well as scarey as it was I thought we should stay a bit longer cos I didn't want her to not like the beach anymore. It was very interesting cos every dog she met up with from then on she kept 4 paws on the ground, until it was obvious they wanted to play. So as scared as I was I think it might have taught her a valuable lesson in life. I have always worried that a dog would do just this and it wouldn't be a happy ending.

I wonder, will she remember next time we go for walk?


Ozgirl, this is 'exactly' what happened last week at my group training night. THat big dog was taking charge of her getting in his face, he was just telling her to knock it off. And I gauarantee she will remember it next week. The Airedale remembered it this week in class, she was afraid of my little Ellie, cause the dog that took her down last week was a tiny little Lakie. It's scary to see but very effective. That's how it happens in a pack.

that is the biggest thing i've been working on, is to get my girls to stop that darn jumping up, i hate that.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae



Poor Roxy...I'm glad she wasn't hurt by the bully.

Winnie was attacked once while on a neighborhood walk. The shephard/mix was loose and was all over her. She even slipped her collar and ran down the street while the dog's dumb owner tried to grab him. I think she remembered that for awhile.


She'll remember. I KNOW Sophie would be on the offense if a dog jumped in her face, and she would flatten them on her back with a snarl, if she could. She can be pretty touchy about strange dog manners.

Because of her small size it's tempting to excuse aggressive behavior, but I don't think that is appropriate. Encounters between big dogs and small dogs are scary and sometimes tragic.

I'm sorry you got scared, and glad the situation turned out well and perhaps your little girl will approach the next dog with a bit more prudence.




I think she will remember too. Cairns have great recall. Scout thinks that all dogs are such good friends, but thankfully, she has not been attacked for this yet (knock on wood).


I think that Roxy will remember too. Just my opinion but I think that the big dog would have hurt her if he really wanted to. He probably just "wasn't in the mood" to play and was telling her so. I bet Roxy will be back to greeting other dogs happily as she has again in the future but she may not be apt to jump so readily. I think it was a positive thing: Roxy learned from it and nobody was hurt.


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