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How does your dog listen?


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My two dogs, Scout and Finch, listen in very different ways. Finch likes to get into my face, licks me and wags her tail like crazy. Scout, on the other hand, will just sit and stare while tilting her head. I took a video of how she listens. The video shows her tilting a little, but sometimes she has to get dizzy by how fast she tilts her head back and forth!

ps. for some reason the video runs very slow the first time it is played. Anyone else have this happen?

Scout listening

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My two dogs, Scout and Finch, listen in very different ways. Finch likes to get into my face, licks me and wags her tail like crazy. Scout, on the other hand, will just sit and stare while tilting her head. I took a video of how she listens. The video shows her tilting a little, but sometimes she has to get dizzy by how fast she tilts her head back and forth!

ps. for some reason the video runs very slow the first time it is played. Anyone else have this happen?

Scout listening


Thanks for the video...Scout is looks very much like Teddy...same color, tippy head and all.

I think the video runs slowly the first time because it's not totally loaded into the computer's memory. After the first play, loading has been completed (no more buffering) so then play is unimpeded (is that a word?) :)

I love the tail waving in the background while Scout is doing the tippy head thing. Your two are precious.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Love it, so cute. I love the dark Cairns. My Missy was all black and my heart melts when I see a black, well brindle cairn.

Both videos ran slow. It goes from playing to buffering. Once played a full time the next time seems too be ok.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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That is Savannah in a dark coat! She does the same thing. So cute! Your girls are adorable!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Cooper listens w/deaf ears!!!! :lol: At least you would think he does! He does the same head tilty yours does....he is brindle also, but red brindle. Looks just like yours and it was like looking at his 'dark side'!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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What a cute video!

Alfie is also a head tilter. Sometimes he has one ear in front and the other directed at the back when he is trying to listen to two things at one time!

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Great video!! So glad you took the time to do it. Scout behaves a lot like my Harry. Everyone else is staring at you and wagging like crazy and he'll look around (wagless) as if thinking to himself, "Hey, what's the big deal here? Let's go do something fun!!" Thanks again for sharing!! :)


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Scout tilts her head almost every time you talk to her. It takes everything in me not to giggle while talking to her!

Finch doesn't do this at all. She sits and wags her tail but her head does not move.

I think it's interesting how different Scout and Finch are.

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Sophie is a head cocker when she hears something new. Her ears pop up and she cocks from side to side. If the sound is really intriging she will sit straight up, or even stand on two feet and cock her head. It's so funny.



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When Maddy has her head between the deck slats looking for our neighbors cat, she is deaf beyond belief. (I could be holding a prime rib and saying "treat" but forget it) Nothing can get her away from her lookout post.

Elliott can hear me peel a banana 50' away and so can Winnie.

As far as a head tilt...the only time I see that is when there is a very unique noise...when I blow into an empty bottle and make it sound like a fog horn, those party squeakers and even empty paper towel rolls can sound like megaphones and make my crew do the head dance.

But as far as listening to the word "come"....when it's in their best interest.

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So cute! It looked like a cairn bobble head! Was there sound?

I couldn't hear anything? I loved Finch's tail wagging in the background!

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No, no sound.... :(

My digital doesn't have sound...but my DS's does and I'm hoping to use his while he is home for the summer.

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