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Our New Puppy Hercules


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We lost a Westy last spring, only seven years old. We were heartbroken until Hercules came into our lives. Last fall I had called a few breeders about Cairns, but wanted to wait until the spring. Two months ago my wife suggested we stop into the local shelter. We had been there before and only left in tears. Eventually we went back and there was a three year old Jack Russel female. I wanted to take her but my wife suggested we get our youngest daughter so she could decide. We returned and in between that time there was a three month old Cairn that was not there before was now at the shelter. My daughter took one look and said I want that dog. Our live changed instantly. What a handful compared to the Westy! :devil: This site has reassured us that we have a typical Cairn and all of us have grown quite fond of him. He does have an Iguinal (sp) problem that we have to address at six months. I wanted to post a picture of our now two month family member that has filled the void left by our Westy. After all our thoughts of renaming him, we decided to stay with the name the shelter gave him, "Hercules." I have tried to attach a photo but it does not seem to upload. I'm glad we foud this site and I'm happy to have our new (devil dog) addition.

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I think Hercules is a fitting name for a Cairn!!!! Welcome to the site. And please, when you get him all settled in, we'd love to see pictures. In fact, we sorta insist on it!!! LOL You will have a ball with him.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Welcome Hercules and family! You will love it here. Can't wait to see a pic of you little guy!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Welcome to the board and congratulations on your new cairn, Hercules! Great name!

When we first got Alfie, our neighbor nicknamed him Terror....

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Welcome Hercules and family! What an apt name for a Cairn. Stick with us, Hercules...we'll teach you all the tricks with respect to getting over on those erects!

Also be prepared to become a member of CUR, Cairns Under Revolution, headed up by Eli our fearless leader!


Olie and Teddy

Max and Nelly

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Hercules is brindle. I have tried to upload images but theyare too big. Is there any way to edit or shrink the size?

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Perfect name for a Cairn. I lost my 17 year old cairn last November and know how hard it is. We now have Kramer, he was a year old this past October.

He has really helped me get threw the loss of Missy.

Kramer is totally opposite of my Missy. Him being male and she was female helps with me not comparing the two. Missy was Alpha and very dominite and Kramer he is a mush. Each Cairn has there own personality but there the best breed!

I cant wait to see a photo of Hercules.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I think your daughter had wonderful insight to have picked a Cairn to share your lives with. Be prepared for entertainment, amusement, love and all the other fun aspects that go along with it.

Post a pic when you get the hang of it....took me forever and I still mess up from time to time.

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Congratulations! I waited three long years after the passing of my Westie to to get two Cairns. Yep they are a handful! I wish I hadnt waited so long!

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Just wanted to add our welcome to the pot! You have stumbled on a great site and place of information. We kind of consider it a family here.

If you still have trouble resizing your images, email me and I will be glad to help with resizing. (I am Valerie, by the way).

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Hopefully this picture of Hercules will go through. I apologize for the delay, but I needed to figure out how to resize. As you can see I'm still learning. Thanks for all the nice replys. We're really getting a kick out of him, and all that I'm reading out here really helps. Again, Herc was an adoption from our local shelter here in Worcester, Mass. He is about five months now, when we got him they said about three months. They would give us no prior history as to how he ended up there. I figure he was probably too much for a family who might have also had very young children. When he is out of the krate it's like having five young ones running around. Thanks again- Ed


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OOoooooohhhhh!!! Welcome and what a sweet guy you have!!! You are going to love this forum. It has been so helpful for me!!

And, as for, "it's like having five young ones running around...." YUP Ed, you have a cairn!!! :lol:

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