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new SISTER for Tabby and Teona


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Hubby calls me at work on Friday and tells me he found a baby kitty in the engine compartment of one of his employees cars. (We own a paint and body shop)

She was tiny and he didn't know what to do with her.

I had to leave work to go see her. The vet estimates she's no older than 6 weeks.

She's so sweet, but still a little skittish. For now she's staying in the spare bathroom. Hubby has always been a cat person. We lost our cat in 2003 to cancer, she was 12. As I type this Hubby is laying in bed with Lucky wrapped in a blanket sleeping. I think he's hooked :wub:

I wonder how the girls are going to adjust??




She doesn't look it in the pictures, but she's very tiny.

:shock::shock: I'm a new Mommy :shock::shock:

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Congrats on your new addition! Lucky looks like a very lucky little kitty! My DD adopted a kitten from the local shelter and we were told she was 8 weeks old, but the vet said she was more like 5 or 6 weeks old...she was very tiny too.

I can't wait to hear the stories about Tabby, Teona and Lucky! :)

Enjoy the age....they grow up sooo fast! :confused:

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Awww, shes' precious Teri. I miss my cats.... Should be interesting to see how your girls warm up to her. Have fun with her.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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it may be a bit rocky to start with, but I am sure everyone will adjust. Congrats to your new addition, she looks very happy to be where she is.


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I really hated to leave her this morning. She was so cute playing with her mouse.

Tabitha grew up with our other cat PJ. Teona plays with a cat at the groomers office. I think right now she is just too small to introduce her to the girls. She's smaller than the rat Teona tries to catch outside. :D

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:thumbsup: to hubby. Even though we are all Cairn terrier lovers, it goes without saying that all animals are Gods gift to us humans.

I wouldn't have been able to walk away from that adorable face either.

We had a cat when I brought Winnie home. They became best friends and the cat would actually rub up against her when Win would be sleeping.

My only concern would be that having 2 Cairns and 1 kitty would make the odds uneven. So.....get another kitten ! :lol:

Please post pics when all are together having fun.

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I am curious to know how it will go with Tabitha and Teona. My sister-in-law has always wanted to bring her kitten Kate when they visit but we're not sure how Alfie will react.

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What a beautiful baby. She'll be tagging along with her older sisters in no time, trying to be involved with everything of course.! :)

Max and Nelly

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Lucky is definitely one "lucky" kitten. As you might remember, last summer we brought home a new kitten from the shelter. Granger will be one next month and is a big part of the family. Kiara wants to chase after her, but I think that's because our older cat always teased her. Abbey and Hannah love Granger. If I have them babygated in the kitchen, Granger will just jump over to be w/ them. I'll have to get a picture of the three of them hanging out together. To keep Granger from destroying my living room, we bought her this playgym.


My dd loves to set up those cat cubes in our family room. It makes us laugh to watch Granger play in them. Hannah is small enough to fit in them too. :D

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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She's beautiful, but look at those claws! I've never had a cat, but have been tempted. I think we probably have too many allergies in our house for one though. I'm just happy to get to have one cairn.



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She is a precious one. I wonder how in the world she made it to someones car? Those claws look ruthless! :devil: I'm sure she'll hold her own with her sisters... It's the curtains I'd have my eye on! :w00t: LOL! Kittens are so much fun! :)

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Oh my what a face. The eye color makes me think the kitten is about 6-7 weeks old.

My biggest concern would be the dogs shaking the kitten in play. They are tough little fellows but delicate at the same time.

Have fun, kittenhood rivals Cairn puppyhood I swear :)



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it's official, her new name is Topanga.

She will not get introduced to the girls until she is bigger.

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I see some new scrapbook pages coming!!!!  ;)


yep, going to buy some kitty paper today after work :)

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All I can say is thank God she found her way over to your house!! She is very blessed. She is gonna be loved, well taken care of and she'll have a great family to spend the rest of her days. Thanks for keeping her!!! She's beautiful!!

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