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Widget the cat


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Widget has found a new spot to hang out. He likes to perch on the top of our couch and look outside at the birds, people and squirrels.



Widget has found a new spot to hang out. He likes to perch on the top of our couch and look outside at the birds, people and squirrels.


After all, someone has to monitor the comings and goings in the neighborhood. Widget knows this and takes his responsibility very seriously. :D

Great pix, thanks!

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly


Widget has such a beautiful coat! Thanks for the pictures!


Widget is the new Town Watch!!! I know I'd feel safer knowing Widget was keeping an eye out. He is absolutely adorable.


Hi! Riley does the exact same thing with "my" favorite chair - -he will stand like that for what seems like hours watching the comings and goings of everyone in the neighborhood - - - even the squirrels! Aren't they funny lil guys??!!!!


I second Shoe's compliment. It was hard for me to even focus on the scene for being distracted by looking at Widget's beautiful coat.


And the look on his face....so intense! Are the bird feeders for his enjoyment? I have to put mine far, far away from the crew.

He is really beautiful...thanks for sharing.


A few hours after this pictures Widget got his "weekly" grooming. His grooming has been neglected as of late so I am trying to get myself back on the "little bit each week" schedule. He looks so much better when his coat is pulled a bit and all the little stragly hairs are pulled out.

I have to keep reminding myself that his first show is coming up in a month or so. Guess I need to work with him more. I sure wish he carried his tail higher. I keep hoping that as he grows up a bit more he will carry his tail higher.


Widget is growing up to be a VERY handsome boy! Wonderful coloring!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom

He's ready.

Sophie sits on the window sill in the living room. It's funny to pull up to my apartment and see 2 cats and a dog all in individual windows.




You know, when Mett & Bratt were younger they didn't have their tails up all that much- But as they've gotten older they've got the tails up everytime we go for a walk now.

A few of us were having a conversation about Widget awhile back, and we wondered if you were going to show him because he is such a good looking Cairn!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


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