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Akamai Cairn

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These are some pictures of Gregor. He is our first Cairn, and in true Cairn Terrier style....He's a Handful!!

We are looking forward to getting some great tips and answers in the future from this wonderful forum.



"I like to go swimming in my waterbowl!" :devil:


Playing Tug of War with our friend's Corgi (Same Age).


Asleep with destroyed carpet still in his mouth! :mad:


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Asleep with destroyed carpet still in his mouth

Welcome to the world of puppy Cairns!

Welcome to our group. Gregor is absolutely adorable! You are going to be SO happy with him and I know he'll bring you loads of fun and love (despite the chewed carpeting, trust me).

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Welcome to the forum....we get so much entertainment sharing stories, pics and asking for endless advice. Gregor is adorable....enjoy him!

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LOL on the carpet pic. Sophie used to dig in her water bowl which completely repulsed the cats. She still does it on occasion.



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From our family to yours...welcome! you landed in a great place for advice, venting, sharing, and just generally enjoying being a cairn owner.


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Welcome Gregor!

You picked the right place to come to...you'll get lots of good advice how to drive your humans crazy :devil: ! So stay tuned.

Olie and Teddy

Max and Nelly

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Gregor is SO cute! Keeping sending picture! Sure wish I was in Hawaii with you! Lucky!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Gregor sure is a cutie! Welcome to Cairn Talk. You will LOVE it here!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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What a little pumpkin! There are two things that will always separate man from beast... 1. Opposing thumbs! And 2. The innocence to retain evidence of the crime! :whistle:

Have fun with your little one! :D

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Welcome! I see you are from my favorite spot on the planet....how I wish we could move there....then Cooper and Yoda would have a playmate for sure!

Welcome and aloha!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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