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Harry vs. the Porcupine


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Harry and I went for an hour hike last evening after I got home from work. It was a warm night and it was about dusk. Harry was running around a clump of trees in a big field that we frequent. As usual, he was off leash and looking for turkeys. All of a sudden, I turned the corner around the clump of trees and there, lumbering around slowly was a porcupine. Harry had not yet seen/smelled it. I called to him to follow me away from the area. As I did, the porcupine got startled and headed back into the trees where HARRY WAS ALREADY. Harry started after the porcupine (a new animal for him). I immediately yelled "NO" and his name and "NO" again (obviously very concerned). My little dog was a foot away from the porcupine when he stopped and looked up at me. He immediately backed off from it. Even with all that temptation and instinct, my little dog responded to me. All I can say is that training is never done in vain. Last night proved it to me. So, everyone, keep on training and remember that it's never to late to start. I'm proud of my little pup.



You should be so proud of Harry for responding to you when his instincts are telling him the opposite. Good job, Harry!! Don't think about what could have happened.


Way to go Harry! Brad you made me smile being so clever in my house the guys would say "I see what you did there" :D


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


I am so relieved that Harry was smart enough not to pursue. My mom's dog chased after one her field..ended up with hindquarters full of needles...(we wonder if he was trying to sit on the porcupine)

My friend's dog got a chestful of needles last Fall and they almost lost their dog...thousands of dollars later...he still has to give chase.

Be careful right now going out in the dawn and dusk...it is their active time right now, skunks too!

Good Job Harry!


Harry Rocks!!!! Another in the "The Adventures of Harry". Hmmm...we haven't had an episode of "The Antics of Elliott" lately. What gives?!?!?!

Brad, you're a hoot!


The power of a strong command...and a dog that is listening. YEAH...

Ohhh bad pun Brad...lol

The 2 times it was vital that Sophie stop, and come she did, I was very pleased of course my son said that was because I used the " I'm not playing around voice"...perhaps.




Wow....that was a great story! I hope you gave Harry a big treat when you guys got home.

Yes, Brad....you seem to always know exactly what to say. :lol:

And Elliott is still being Elliott. Wouldn't want him any other way, Scully'sMom.

And Elliott is still being Elliott. Wouldn't want him any other way, Scully'sMom.

Absolutely!!! I just love reading the latest Elliott stories. They're sure to bring a smile to my face.


Too bad we can't compile a "book" on these dogs' antics. Probably nobody would care except us cairn owners but can you imagine the read? Everybody would contribute with their favorite antic that their cairm pulled off. I know who would definitely be at the top....Elliott!! He's such a charmer though, how can you stay mad at him?


I think you could give all of us some training lessons at this point. :thumbsup:


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