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Roxy escapes.........again.


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For the second time this week hubby has let Roxy get out the front unleashed :mad:

On Monday morning he was standing just out the front door doing something but holding the door wide open and it wasn't till the kids called out to him that he realised she was off. I went running out in my dressing gown but he had caught her on the footpath next door. I didn't say too much cos I thought everything is okay he got her back and it was an accident.

But then this morning he left both gates down the side of the house open while he fiddled about and again it was my son yelling "Roxy's out!" before he realised what was going on. He caught her in next door's garden. This time I was not so understanding :nono: He promises he'll be more careful in the future, he better be I don't think I can deal with anymore scares like this.

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glad everything was ok. I too had trouble with Tabitha wanting to dart out the door. I got so tired of stepping over puppy gates so Hubby built us a swinging door. Now the girls only have access to the back part of the house. The formals, study and extra bedrooms are off limits to them. I feel safer knowing they can never run out the front door.

Here's what he built for me.


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Phew! Glad that everything was okay - that is my biggest fear!

Teri, :thumbsup::thumbsup: for that beautiful gate. It's a terrific idea.

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So glad that your hubby was able to capture your pup. Darcy would have been nowhere in sight. This has also happened to us as hubby went to front door, gate was down and Darcy darted out the front door. Why are they so careless? Are we gals the only ones to anticipate? (Brad, you're not included in this criticism.)

That gate looks great. Kudos to your hubby. Is he a carpenter? Looks very professional. I've priced those swinging gates and boy, are they expensive.

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Well sorry to hear you have a few more gray hairs..... I think everyone on here can relate..... and thankfully we can have our hair colored!

You know this morning hubby was running late for work, and I left the house before he did which is extremely rare. I made sure all the gates, ex-pens and such were in place and secure... water in the bowl....ect....... Then of course on my way I told him that everyone/everything was in order..... For peace of mind, I still had to page him at work later and ask "were the boys closed off from the rest of the house when you left? was the baby gate locked?, were the dog doors open? was the other baby gate open to the garage?"

Not that I don't trust my Hubby, but well, I wasn't there to supervise him! :lol:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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to defend the hubbies out there, sometimes we can just get distracted! ...i had 2 'maggie gone loose' episodes in one week about a month ago... i was shovelling some snow when i came home and left the gate open, then went through the garage to get into the house and forgot to close the gate... i went in, let maggie outside in the fenced yard, my wife came home about 20 minutes later and asked where's maggie... i replied in the back yard... then she told me the gate was open... "oh ****!!" was my reaction.... a loose cairn for 20+ minutes!!!!! ...luckily i ran out, called her and she was at the neighbours looking for their jack russel!! and she came running right into my yard!!!... I consider myself LUCKY!!

Ozgirl, maybe our dogs need the long rope on in the house!!hahahaha!!


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I hear they're having a sale on doghouses big enough for husbands who choose to live in LaLa Land. I am more than ready to squeeze mine into one that has no utilities or cable TV! Of course only for a night or two. :lol:

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I'd like to go on a mother/daughter/sister trip, but keep having nightmares of my dh loosing the girls.....makes me crazy!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I'm glad Roxy once again has a happy ending. I have to agree w/ A and J and not just blame the husbands. It's easy to get distracted, especially if one's in a hurry. One thing I've learned that works w/ my dh (from a book I read), is that just by how I ask him a question can determine how his actions will follow through. For instance, if I say "could you", he might think in his mind that maybe he could. BUT, if I say "would you", his mind is ready to say he will. Maybe it just works for me, but try using "would you remember to check the gates" and see if that helps.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I did the dumb thing tonight. I got home very late from work and hooked Sophie up to her leash and headed outside for a potty trip. We trot across the street to the prefered potty spot and while I am waiting on her I notice the leash is hanging LIMP from my hand. I didn't snap it like I thought.

She is completely free.....thankfully she was more interested in going potty than anything else, and our street is pretty boring in the wee hours of the morning.....

Big dummy move for me.




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Tena, glad her thoughts were on more important things and you were able to re-leash her. But I know too that moment of panic when you realize "there's no dog attached to this leash." Been there, done that. Makes me overly cautious when I hook Darcy's leash that it is secure and that the collar is not too tight but snug where she can't pull her head through and escape.

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I'm glad everything turned out ok! Add my DH as one that I have to watch just like the dogs! I caught him taking the dogs out without a leash the other day. We live on a quiet street and it was very late.....but...it only takes one car! I was soooo mad at him! I think a dog house in the back yard for the THREE of them would be great!

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