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I am thinking about getting a kong for Duncan and I was wondering what shape and size to get. :confused:

I have seen several different shapes of kongs. And they come in different sizes. Any suggestions for a large Cairn?


Can't anyone help me?? :(


We use the smaller of the Kongs. It's a blue and white swirly colored thing (about $6.00). After Finnegan turned his nose up at peanut butter and other squishy foods, his favorite of the week is cream cheese and will work and work to get every last drop. Keeps him busy and happy. Also, it's very tough and has survived quite a few months. Hope this helps.

Finnegan's Mum

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain


Daisy has the small puppy Kong also - blue and white swirly one.

She won't play with it at all! Haven't tried the cream cheese yet...


My pup chewed up a bit of the small/puppy one, so now we mostly use the medium sized one (but sometimes still give him the small one).


Thank you. Now I have a better idea of which one to buy. And I am sure Duncan will thank you for the filling suggestions. :D


How old is Duncan?



He was four last December. On the chance that Grania would play with the kong, she's eight.


Sophie didn't like the kong, but she doesn't like the taste or texture of rubber apparently. She avoids toys made of that material.

I did buy a large kong for a friend's st. bernard and he adores it even without filling. He carries it around and throws it to himself.




Savannah's is a small or medium and it is red. I think the package has a weight chart that tells you which size is ideal for the breed you own.

Savannah LOVES her Kong!!! I guess all dogs are different. She has the regular Kong and the Kong bisquit ball. She loves them both!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


We use the small red Kongs. I fill them with canned dog food and freeze them...we have 6 now....3 for each. I keep them in a ziplock bag in the freezer....they love them!


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