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Dori & Ellie go frog hunting.....


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Although we're held up in Alamba on our way home, because of storms....the girls are managing to have some fun. This RV park is loaded with squirrels and they bounce from window to window wanting to get at them. And of course there is your dog for every other camper/motor home/5th wheel.... So they stay busy!!!

There is a nice pond here with a path all the way around, so we've been walking around it a couple of times a day. There is a large PVC pipe filter sticking up on one side and Dori was literally jumping up and down on all fours barking at it, too funny to watch her. Ellie just wanted in the water. The frogs jump about every 10 feet or so, so it keeps them busy moving.

I could only get a few shots of them...... WHen dori got close to the water, she'd stretch way out, we wouldnt want to get too close!!!!



And Ellie wouldnt sit still, so only Dori on the cutesie shot.


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I love the pictures!!! Look how long she's stretched out....WOW! I'm amazed you could get ONE to stand still - that's terrific.

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Great pictures! I especiallly love the stretch....lol!

OMG, my two would go CRAZY if they saw frogs jumping!

Thanks for sharing!

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well the funny thing is she isnt laying down froggin, she is stretched out and her belly isnt touching!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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What great pics. Good thing you have strong leashes. Can you imagine them in the water trying to out jump the frogs? :lol:

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I love your pictures! Kiara was always my toad killer, but I think the bitter spray is actually working. Lately when it's dark and I let her out in the back yard to run and she comes upon a toad, she'll bark in a high pitch to let me know. She will actually even come to me when I call. I love it when I call her and she looks at me, looks at the toad, looks at me, and then puts her head down and comes. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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well ellie was the one I was afraid that was going to jump in, but I know Dori wouldnt. I had double leads on them with training collars...so all I had to do was stomp on the white cord if needed. They loved walking around that pond. They kept barking and growling at the frogs. I cant wait to take them home, we have a 4 acre gravel pit that gets about 10" of water in it on one side and is filled with frogs!!! Wait till they see all the tadpoles too! They will have a ball. I'll get a long lead for them to run around. It's been raining a lot back there too, so there should be a lot.

BTW, Dori wasnt just sitting there on her own, I photo shopped the lead and cord out. I wanted a cute shot. Ellie would just not sit there, the fart.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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There's been a lot of talk on the news here about all the horrendous tornado action in Tennessee...

Are you and yours OK? Is your house alright?

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Oooohhh. They are too cute and look so happy during their hunt. We all lead much better lives due to our little buddies.

Excellent pictures!

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There's been a lot of talk on the news here about all the horrendous tornado action in Tennessee...

Are you and yours OK?  Is your house alright?

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom


Tara, we're fine...thank you for asking. Our house is in Florida, we were stuck in Troy, AL for two nights waiting for it to pass. We're now in Clarskville, TN tonight, and there are blue skys!!! We had one really hard rain right after we took off, which is scary in a 45 ft motor home....I'm a weenie anyway. But all is well now and tomorrow we'll be back home, along the WI border. It isnt near as warm here as it was in Florida and Alabama!!!! B)

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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