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Believe it or not....


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Ok... As a newer cairn owner, I would not believe this story myself.. but some of you more seasoned owners may be more willing to believe it.

This is a TRUE story (in as much as it was told to me by one of my partners at work who knows we have a new cairn..)

First of all, I am a police dispatcher for one of the larger metropolitan cities here in Minnesota. We dispatch police, fire, ambulance, and animal control...

Two nights ago (Tues night - Wed Morning) my partner said she got a call from a man who lost his cairn. We did as we normally do when there is no ACO (Animal Control Officer) on duty, and filled out a simple "lost dog" report for the ACO to pick up in the morning..

Several hours later, we received a call from our local Transit authorty (Bus Company) - they had a cairin on one of their busses (back at the Bus station) with a Bloomington License on it.

It is believed that this cairin got on the bus at a stop (when someone was exiting) and rode the bus to the end of the route, and back to the bus station where it was discovered while doing their end-of-day once-over of the bus!!

Cairn owner was notified, and human/k-9 were reunited.... (I love the happy endings!)

Again... Sounds like a tall tale - but the dispatcher that handled the whole "ordeal" came and told me about it the next morning...

Hope this brightens your day!


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What a great story! Thank you sharing it and I am so glad it had a happy ending!

My oldest Cairn, Eric, was my walking dog and we did 3-5 miles every day in his prime. One time we were walking on the sidewalk and a bus pulled up to the curb to let someone off and Eric tried to get on. He was on his leash so I pulled him back. So I can certainly understand how this happened!

Enjoy the day!

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Hi! Super story!! I would believe almost anything about a Cairn - - they are more human than animal - - in fact - - - my husband nicknamed Riley "HB" - - - I asked him what it stood for - - he replied "human being"!!!!

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when i'm walking the girls in florida, every time a golf cart goes by, they try to get on!!! Silly girls.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Sounds like a scene from a movie....can you picture him/her sitting on the bus seat looking out the window without a care in the world? :lol:

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