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Rabies Tag...


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For those who have their pups vaccinated with the 3-year rabies shot, do you get a new tag each of those three years, or does the one you get at time of vaccination stay valid for 3 years?

Sorry for the weird (dumb) question... :shy:


Thanks, Brad. I never realized the color and shape of the tags were universal!

I just assumed they varied from vet to vet.

My personal favorite was 2004 - red heart.


Hmm... We have to pay for a different colored tag every year.

Every the shape is round. This year it is maroon.


I think the color-coded shapes is a recommendation from some organization or committee - not a law per se. Also, local or state laws might have some bearing. Is your rabies tag combined with licensing? Our license tags are always the same shape and while we need a rabies certificate to get it, the rabies tag from the vet follows the shape scheme. I believe some states require annual rabies - in that situation I can see why they might just say 'the heck with it' and stick with a single tag format.

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Off topic here - Brad, did you just change avatars? That is a beautiful photo/sketch! Is that Echo or Stella? Absolutely gorgeous face!


Aw, thanks. I'll tell the little munchkin. Indeed - that's a cropped version of Stellas yearbook picture. It's my desktop at work. It makes her earset look funky though - I'm thinking of changing back to the shield.

And, um, on-topic: she's not wearing her rabies tag in that pic because the color clashed with her red bandana :P

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I was not aware there is a three year rabies shot. Is it state to state? Every year Darcy's tag changes color and shape.

Brad, leave Stella alone. We love her pic. I don't think her ear set looks funny at all, but then I'm no expert at those kinds of things. She is georgeous. Did the movie "Street Car Named Desire" have anything to do with her name?

I was not aware there is a three year rabies shot. Is it state to state?
I believe three years is actually more common these days than one year. From: http://petpress.net/view.php?id=27
Although pets used to be vaccinated yearly for rabies, the majority of state protocols now require re-vaccination every three years. There are scientific data indicating that vaccinating dogs against rabies every three years is unnecessary. Results of Michel Aubert

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Brad, this is totally :offtopic: but your note was too funny!



We never took off the their old tags so we have the red heart and a silver round one. They clang together and helps us locate the dogs...lol! Scout loves to hide when the toothbrush comes out!


Here in WV, my cats get 3 year rabies, and Sophie got a 1 year...not sure why, but thats how they did it.




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