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How do you use Mars Coat King?


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Had a couple of questions on using the Mars Coat King:

1) sometimes when we use the MCK, it doesnt really get out much dead hair - is there an easier/more effective way to use it to get out more of the dead under-hair?

2) do you use it on anywhere besides the torso?

3) anyway to minimize the hair all over your clothes when you use the MCK? is the best thing to put the pup on a table, or to put him on a towel?

thanks. :)

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I'm a rookie but will try to help. I use the MCK on every part of Sophie, including her flanks and belly. Sometimes I get less hair than other times, I always thought is was normal. Like sometimes I get no hair off her back but a bunch off her flanks. If I skip a couple weeks there is plenty of hair again. I think it varies depending on part of body and quanitiy of undercoat. I was impressed with the speed and function of the tool, and still am.

I put Sophie on a towel on an ottoman, in the living room. She likes it there. She hates to be groomed and wiggles madly, on the table she slides all over and since the table is counter high, I don't want her to fall. At least on the ottoman she slides less and if she falls she doesn't get hurt.

Her hair sticks to the device and is really alot like wool, so it doesn't fly all over me. The biggest problem is keeping her from trying to eat the wool ball.

Hope it helps some.



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Thanks Tena - that definitely does help. And your pup has such a gorgeous golden coat, you are definitely doing things right! :)

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I use the MCK about once a month so I get alot of hair every time I use it. I get alot more hair from Finch than I do Scout. The first time I used it (on Scout) I took so much hair off that she looked bald....and it took FOREVER for the hair to grow back, so now I brush them for a few minutes and if more needs to come off, I can always do it another day.

If it's a nice day outside, I will brush them (and their teeth) out on the deck. When it's cold I do it on the floor with a vacuum close by! :P

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I invested in a grooming table with a noose for Darcy and Molly. On pretty days, I take it outside (I don't keep it outside - afraid the weather will get to it) and set it up on the deck in shade area. Works like a charm! It's high enough that Darcy is kinda intimidated so she stays fairly still. As for the fur, I just gather it from the MCK and put into a paper bag when I'm done and just throw it away. Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the suggestions - guess I need to invest in a good lint brush. My mom and I did a MCK session on Bosco last month (one holds, one brushes) and we were both in our dark-colored winter clothes. Needless to say Bosco's silver, creme and blond hair was very visible on our clothing. :whistle:

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You can also leave hair in an out-of-the-way place outside for birds to use in building their nests.


The tufted titmouse has been known to swoop down and actually pluck hair/fur out of sleeping dogs or cats.

I use the Mars maybe once a month also and just run it through their coat several times. I use the small Mars for their face. I cannot touch either Maddy or Elliott's tail without them screaming so I use thinning shears in that area.

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You say you do your pups' faces with a small MCK...how small and what about their whiskers? Does it pull them out? This is the hardest area for me to groom as Darcy growls whenever I try to groom around her beard, chin, moustache. Any tips for that area? Thanks in advance.


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Do you use the mini coat king on the sides of the face and down the neck? I know it probably doesn't work on the mustache part. It looks like I'm gonna have to get me one so I can touch Darcy up on her face. Thanks for the information.

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I use the regular size Mars on their necks. That doesn't seem to be a very sensitive area for my Cairns.

As for the sides of their cute little faces....I use the mini but very gently. I admit to using sissors to clip the hair on the tips of the ears and sometimes on the hair that grows between their eyes.

My Cairns aren't show dogs so I don't sweat the grooming. I do a little here and a little there when we're all in the right mood. Nails are a priority and done every week to 10 days.

It's so funny....Winnie could care less what grooming tool I use on her...she tolerates them all.

Elliott likes the Mars, he likes being brushed and even tolerates his nail clipping.

But Maddy.....as soon as I go anywhere near my grooming tools, she's outta sight.

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I can't imagine keepin three cairns groomed!! What a job that must be. Darcy is the same way. It's as if she has built in radar and knows when I head for the hutch (that's where I keep the grooming stuff) she disappears and I usually have to find her and drag her out with her growling at me. At least two of yours tolerate the grooming. I have ordered the mini coat king and hope it will help with her face. I just worry about pulling out those wire whiskers along with coat. She let's me know when that happens. I've never seen a dog whose whiskers feel like a wire brush. (sigh) Thanks for the infor.


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