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We went to an outside show this weekend. It was really hot! But after the show I got some pictures of Sugar.




Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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What wonderful shots. Sugar looks like she's on the verge of sneezing in that second pic. How cute. :)

If we manage to adopt Jackie, I think she may be similar in appearance to Sugar and Elliot.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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She is beautiful! Great photos! How is she doing in the show ring? I don't think any judge could resist that adorable face!

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Sugar looks so happy :) !!

Kay.....did Elliott lose alot of his "red" in his coat?? I don't remember seeing so much of it before.


Cathy and Piper

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To answer a few questions....Kay they may well be related on my web page Sugar's pedigree is listed. If you want to see if she and Elliott are related here is the link Sugar's Pedigree

grillywarren, she is 10 months old and weighs 13.6 lbs. She is the smallest in the ring. In the south the Cairns that are shown seem to be much larger.

Cairns2 thanks for asking, Sugar took the blue in her class the first day, even rain soaked, she likes the rain and was having a good time in the ring and moved so well....Second day she decided the bugs in the grass were more interesting than the judge, so she only got the red ribbon ( she was beaten by a friend so that's ok) but all in all she is having fun and really likes to go to the shows. Only class wins for now maybe she will get some points one day. As long as Sugar and I are having fun I will continue trying. I do admire everyone who has ever shown a dog. It is allot of work and requires lots of skill.


For those of you like me who don't understand class wins

You have the classes, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, breed by, open, etc. Once they win in that class they go back in a compete against the winners of the other classes. This is done for males and females. Then the male winner and female winner go back in and if there are Champions there they go in then and you go for best of breed, best of winners, and best of opposite. To get points you have to be a win from the winners. (but to get points there is a minimum of entries) Every show I have been to has had more females than males and the older ones ususally are the winners. Maybe this time next year Sugar will have some points!

I apologize for getting off topic

Hopefully, Sugar is more than just a pretty face!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Hallswel...I'm sad to say Elliott and Sugar are not related :crybaby: I was really hoping they were.

CathyAnn...I honestly don't know if Elliott lost alot of the red because I don't ever remember him being really red....always more of a wheaten. His ears and muzzle are getting darker though.

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Liz, Sugar is really VERY pretty. I LOVE her smile!! My pup is so serious! Everytime I do see him smiling, it seems he stops just when I snap the picture :(

Sugar seems like such a lady.

Kay, I am always going to love Elliott even though I will never meet him :) He always makes me laugh.

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Put a little peanut butter on your finger and let your pup lick it. then hold out your finger when you take the picture. Work in about half the time


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Sugar and Madison (Elliot's sis) are almost the exact same age and size.

Madison is 10 months and weighs in at 12 pounds! She is as tall as Grilly

and still pushes him around.

Mads says hi Sugar!



Just like Elliot she is a handful...and I love every minute of it!


Well, almost....


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How I wish we all lived close and we could have a cairn play date


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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How I wish we all lived close and we could have a cairn play date


Me too. I saved the movie you posted and go back and watch Rebel outdoing Hamm with the Frisbee when I need a smile. Rebel, Sugar, Hamm and Olie and Teddy would have a famous time frolicking and vying for toys. :)

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Gosh, I haven't been on here in forever. Sugar sure has grown up! She's still gorgeous!!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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