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Packin' my stuff!


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My Alpha B is an idiot! She forgot my BIRTHDAY!!! :mad: She thought I was 11 months old, and here I am, ONE FULL YEAR, and without suitable fanfare. No cake, no card, no nothin'. So I am packing my stuff and leaving. Can I bunk with any of you guys? :huh:

Man, if it was HER birthday that was forgotten, all you-know-what would break loose. Those uprights. It's all about THEM! And just because they have THUMBS. Boy, if I had a thumb, you can bet I'd be out on the road with my napsack, thumbin' for a ride.

Speaking of naps, I think I will maybe take just a little one before I leave. That bed is awfully comfy and my belly is full of Canidae. I just rid the yard of some dumb ole squirrels and I am kinda drowsy. (*yawn*)



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Eli...I'd be more than happy to have you come bunk with us but I think you'd give Elliott a worse attitude than he already has.

I will wish you a Happy Birthday though. Hang in there, tuff guy. :cake:

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Hey Eli --

Happy birthday to our fearless leader! Today is my good buddy Walt the Border Collie's birthday too, only he's nine in people years (more in dog years, but I can't count that high). He's a little more sensible now but not much slower. His upright says that, for her retired lifestyle, he's going to be the perfect dog when he turns 14. Personally, I think Walt thinks that she is his "sheep" -- after all, she has white hair! He follows her everywhere just to make certain she is doing what she is supposed to do.

Anyway, Eli, the older you get, the better you get at those crucial cairn skills -- chasing squirrels, chasing birds, chasing leaves, barking at doorbells, barking at other dogs, barking at dust falling...and, of course, napping!

Uprights have a feeling they call guilt, and it works great for getting us extra food and toys. I'll bet your upright will feel some as soon as she remembers it's your birthday, and you'll end up with more birthfday presents than she might have got you otherwise. If so, you wanna share?


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I'm sending you a special birthday "YO!" from Philly!

You're my idol! My mommy said that it's good to find a younger man (I'm 2) ;);) - that's what she did.

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Birthday? did someone say Birthday?.....oh we need cakes and treats, come on over after your nap Eli, I'll show you where the best stuff is hidden.




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Happy Birthday, Eli! :cake: Come visit us! We have more than enough treats and toys to go around, and plenty extra to celebrate your birthday with.

Kiara :party: , Abbey :party: and Hannah :party:

P.S. As an extra bonus, there's lizards and toads in the yard, even a snake or two.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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