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Yes! I think it is very normal. Is this your first pup? I was very

nervous before getting Grilly! You'll do great, and you should get

your sleep now :P Your pup will be so cute you won't want to sleep!

Be well


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You're about to become a Cairn mom! You have alot of emotions racing around inside your brain, like a new mom about to give birth. You're anxious, excited, curious, impatient and want your pup to be healthy. This can make you feel overwhelmed. It may be hard, but try to get that much needed sleep now. Your 8 hr nights will be interrupted w/ your pup's potty breaks. I can imagine your excitement, you make me excited just thinking about the joy of bringing a new pup home.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Eventhough I had had other breeds before, the first 2 months we had our little Gremlins, I woke up almost every night dreaming that they were in bed with us, or loose in the bedroom. :shock:

As they got bigger, the dreams stopped (Thankfully). Cairn puppies are so little, but so full of it :devil:

Don't for get to post photos (hint)

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I wasn't nervous at all when I got my first Cairn. Yet 18 years later, when I got Scully, I was a nervous wreck. That was because I was afraid I wouldn't remember how to potty train her. I just "winged it" with Ginger and this time around I made myself crazy with all kinds of books on potty training. I have NO idea why though... :(

Persistence and patience is the key, IMHO. I had an easy time with both my pups in having them trained. Scully, from day one, hardly did anything at night and from night one, she slept without crying, etc.

Take a DEEP breath, it's going to be okay. Besides, you have all of us here that will "help" in anyway we can.

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I am always nervous and excited when another animal comes to live with us. It's a tingly feeling...I also get the same feeling when I find a perfect adoptive home for one, or when I decide that this animal is not going up for adoption it is staying with us for life.

Of course I could just consume too much caffiene.



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Hi! I was soooooooooo excited when I knew Riley was coming and I thought he was the cutest puppy I had ever seen - - - I must admit though - - - he was a scrappy little fella and unlike any dog (I had raised 5 dogs before him) I had ever encountered but it was fun and very interesting - - good luck!!

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I found myself getting nervous after I got Elliott and saw what he was capable of getting into. :shock:

I now worry about the smallest piece of onion that drops on the floor or leaves of poisonous plants that may be blown into their play area. I worry about their health....Maddy's tendency to pancreatitis, Winnie's bladder stones.

I worry about them somehow escaping, choking, getting heartworm even though we use preventation, not getting enough exercise, their diet, their grooming.....

Shall I go on?

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