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Destructive Chewing II

Tracy A.

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That is great! :lol::lol: I guess you can skip the step of having to go in to the store to buy them toys, you can just give them the money! :devil:

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As if we don't spend enough on them. Money has a peculiar smell and they love funky smell. :surrender: You might as well surrender it all to them because they seem to find your best shoes, purse, cell phone, The arm of the seat in the van, etc... No Matter What. Maggie sits on top of the couch and scans the room for "important" things to get into. She :devil: is a hoot to watch get into trouble. It's almost like she can't help herself.

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High five, Mett! :thumbsup: Way to go! Tho I think we should be stockpiling that green stuff for the revolution. I think you can get toys and food with that green stuff.

Talk about your car antics. Me, I pooped in the Alpha B's van when she ditched me to go into some store. On her birthday, no less. Come to think of it, she has not taken me anywhere in the car lately. :confused:


Eli B)

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