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On Pins and Needles


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It's only been 36 hours since I submitted my application to Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network to adopt Jacobellus in Maryland. I know they have a small staff and are all-volunteer but I wish they'd at least let me know if I filled out my application properly. Their policy is that if everything isn't just right the application gets kicked back and you have to resubmit. I'm on pins and needles.

Meanwhile, Olie came through his tumor surgery with flying colors today; I'm picking him up at 5:15 EST. They got all of it and he's already awake. We were so worried...at least from this perspective, life is good.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's (and hopefully) Jacky's Mom

Max and Nelly

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I'm so glad Olie is going to be ok!

Good luck on your new addition and let us know as soon as possible....oh....and we want to see pics too!

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Glad to hear that Olie is doing ok, have a puppy put under is always nerve-racking.

Good luck on the applicaiton!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Yay for Olie - hope things continue to go well. My fingers are crossed for Jacky, too. Colonel Potter is a wonderful organization with only the best in mind for their rescues. Our experience was that it took several months from start to finish. They definitely cross all the t's and dot all the i's, but believe me, they are looking out for those pups. Don't take it personally if you aren't a perfect match with your first choice. That's easy for me to say now, but at the time it was devastating. Hang in there, and they will find the perfect match for you. Good luck!

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Way to go Olie. Hope recovery goes smoothly. Colonel Potter really is a great group. They take great care in seeing that adoptions go through with minimal problems and Jacobellis sounds like a great little girl. Have you checked with any other local rescue groups. We adopted our 3rd cairn last year from the Potomac Cairn Terrier Club. Another great group and we couldn't be happier with our Hamish. Funny name equals fun pup. :lol:

Bill in Timonium

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Fantastic news for Olie, hope he has a speedy recovery,I know how worrying it cane be with a poorly Cairn.

Let's hope you have more good new's with the adoption


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Way to go Olie.  Hope recovery goes smoothly.  Colonel Potter really is a great group.  They take great care in seeing that adoptions go through with minimal problems and Jacobellis sounds like a great little girl.  Have you checked with any other local rescue groups.  We adopted our 3rd cairn last year from the Potomac Cairn Terrier Club.  Another great group and we couldn't be happier with our Hamish.  Funny name equals fun pup.  :lol:

Bill in Timonium


Thanks for the support everyone. I actually stayed home from work today because the amount of flesh they took in Olie's surgery for such a small nodule was quite shocking...we stayed in the living room on the floor with him all night long. The vet didn't even warn us or see me when I picked him up to explain the drastic nature of the cut. Also, unlike our previous vet, he didn't call later to see how Olie was faring.

I went vet shopping today...I think we may switch.

Bill in Timonium....that's exactly where the Colonel Potter rescue is living that we want to adopt! I'm also familiar with the Potomac Cairn Terrier Club...actually marched in the Scottish Walk (parade) with them one year in Alexandria, VA. Will have to keep them in mind.

Again, thanks everyone...what a wonderful support group.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Ohh I am so glad to hear that Olie is home and recovering... :thumbsup:

Im sorry to hear that the vet didnt help much either with what to expect...

BUT Olie luckily has a great mommy...and all that love and extra attention will help him heal faster...

Phewwww...what a relief....

I will send my prayers your way for Jacky...they dont realize what a special family Jacky will be getting...and if they REALLY knew they'd probably sped up the process ten folds..

Until then..we will keep hopes high...

Hug and kiss Olie for us...can you give him a extra doggie bone to? Would that be ok??? :whistle:

Stacey Mark Dingo and Oakie :thumbsup:


Stacey, Shep, Dingo, Oakie and of course, Bubba!!

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Dingo praying that Jacky comes home soon to his new owners!!! :halo:


Stacey, Shep, Dingo, Oakie and of course, Bubba!!

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Anxiously waiting to hear....??

Glad Olie is on the road to recovery!!


P.S. Cute idea, Stacey!!

Cathy and Piper

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When Sophie was spayed and had a breast removed because of tumors, I too was shocked at the incision. It was a great deal bigger than I expected, with alot of bruising and pain.The vet didn't call either, and when I called them, they were surprised at my reaction. We also have a new vet.

Here is sending healing energy Ollie's way.



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Thanks everyone.

As of yesterday, "Olie the Goalie" is back to his old self. Now the trick is to catch him before he goes leaping up on things or up and down stairs. But just the fact he's doing that so effortlessly (when he gets away with it) tells me he's on the mend. The incision is clean and healing.

I found a new vet on Friday after visiting 6+ that I googled in our area. I got to see the facilities, feel the atmosphere, meet the staff, gather philosophies. I think we have a better one much closer to us that we'll switch to once Olie's case is finished. We will also have to wait until Col. Potter Rescue finishes researching us so that things don't get too confusing for them in contacting and interviewing references.

According to the responses I've gotten from Col. Potter Rescue, I completed the paper work properly. I have a case worker and have given her specifics as to whom to contact at current and former vets. All my references are expecting the call.

Stacey....thanks for the pics. We might have to print those out! :D

Waiting for the next step...but no longer so much on pins and needles.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Murphy & Trapper are sending Olie their best!! And, believe it or not, they miss your two guys! Hope they liked the Bully Weaves! And, I'm THRILLED about your possible new pup!! Hooray!! Tara, you are the BEST fur baby mommy! :magic: Hope all our pups can get together soon again!

Linda (AKA: Murphy & Trapper's mom)

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