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Weird question....


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This is a weird question/predicament...

We have a small backyard (unfenced) and a couple of weeks ago we noticed several bird feathers in a bunch - they do not look like they were "shed" but sort of like the bird was killed by another animal (not our pup!) Now we are afraid to bring our pup to the backyard for fear he will get sick from any remnants of the bird in the soil, etc. We cannot see any bits of the bird, except bunched feathers, but dont know what to do.

Should we avoid the backyard for a very long time, or is there any way to clean up and make sure our pup wont get sick from remnants/soil?

Again we dont see anything but feathers, but fear that a bird had been attacked/killed. :(

Sorry for the weird question, and would appreciate any/all advice.

Thank you as usual.

(and gee, can you tell I know nothing about nature stuff??? :huh: )

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A couple of months ago, we walked Wes in a park where there were lots of bird remnants. I don't know what caused it- other animals or park construction. Nothing came of Wes' exposure to the area.

If you're worried, and it's your land, I suppose you can dig up the soil in that area and get rid of it. Just make sure your pup isn't alone out there. just in case there is a predator.

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I wouldn't worry too much, but you may want to call your vet and ask him/her the same question...never hurts to ask!

We have found clumps of bird feathers in our yard too. I never really worried about them, but I DID when I found a clump of skin that looked like it came from a cat! We kept the dogs out of the backyard for a few days and threw away the "clump"....yuck!

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Milopup....the only "weird" question is the one that isn't asked.

I have a bird feeder in the back part of my yard...love to see the Tufted Titmice, Cardinals, Chickadees, Wrens and even the Woodpeckers who have put holes in my house shingles.

A couple days ago I found a clump of bird feathers near the feeder. I know my neighbors cat got a bird and I was very upset. Luckily my dogs didn't get to investigate that site.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it unless your pup actually ingested the bird. Only then would I ask my vet to run routine parasite/worm tests.

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Thanks everyone for not laughing at my question (I am an absentee mommy who worries about everything!!)

Bosco definitely didnt ingest anything there (for once we pulled him back before his lil' nose led him away!) and we will lookout for "remnants" before letting him into the backyard.

Thanks again - you all keep me sane (or saner!) with my pup worries, and y'all have no idea how much I truly appreciate your comments/advice. :wub::wub:

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Guest Guest

I wouldn't worry, Milopup....

I did want to be sure when we saw the same. We found 3 dead birds in our backyard on 3 different occasions. I called the west nile/avian flu hotline when we saw the 3rd dead bird, and here's what they said: they don't have enough staff to investigate dead birds at this time so can we please bury it or put it in the trash can. :confused:

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I wouldn't worry too much about the feathers. We have found piles of feathers around the yard for years. I always blamed the neighbors cats until the day I saw a red tailed hawk grab a cardinal right under the bird feeder. It flew a few feet away and sat on the ground and de-feathered the bird as he ate it :sick: . That's when I realized that I had never actually seen a cat with one of the birds. I know it must happen, but I've never caught a cat in the act. I have seen several hawk attacks at our feeders. They almost always grab a bird and just stay on the ground or fly to a near branch and enjoy their meal. I feel sorry for the little birds, but it is a bird feeder after all. :P


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I agree that it's probably another bird killing them.

I don't know where you're located but I would just say to make sure there's no birdie body left to investigate, due to West Nile. (which is a real issue in the humid south)

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