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We caught a squirrel!


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We live among trees, and when you have trees, you can have a squirrel problem. We have caught several in our attic, but Tink never saw them. Yesterday we caught one in our trap (cage) and Tink was elated, excited, uncontrollable :devil: . It was alive, of course, and my dh sat the cage up on the table on the deck. Tink was trying to jump up on the table to get to the squirrel. My dh was afraid the squirrel would hurt Tink through the slats in the cage so he had to hide it. He had to move it several times because Tink could see out the windows of the house and was going nuts. His intention was to take it into the woods far away from our house and let it go. Well, this morning he went to get the cage and take it away but the squirrel had died during the night. He said it was fine yesterday. Maybe it had been caught in the cage for awhile before he found it. It must have starved or something. We felt so bad. We have never killed any that we caught - just moved them to a different home. This has been an exciteing week for Tink.



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We had a similar expriance this week. Savannah was outside and I couldn't get her to come in the house. She kept barking at the pool. Finally, I went out to see what all the commotion was about. There was a dead baby mole in the pool and Savannah was going insane! I got the mole out of the pool and took it out into the woods. Savannah stayed by that pool for at least 15 minutes after the mole was gone and she is still running to the spot where she saw him everyday looking for him. These little boogers don't forget anything!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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She kept barking at the pool.  Finally, I went out to see what all the commotion was about.  There was a dead baby mole in the pool and Savannah was going insane!  I got the mole out of the pool and took it out into the woods. 


Ah the joys of pool ownership! We got Mole Floaters too..... :huh:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Normally, getting any unlucky critters out of the pool is the hubby's job but he had just had surgery so it was up to me this time... :sick:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hey Somer:

I get a lawn bag, and the put the leaf net on the pole- and scoope the 'item' up and put the bag over the end and depost it. That way I don't have to touch it!

Or if the 'item is int he skimmer', I take a coat hanger that i've made long and use the hook to pull up the simmer and then put it in the lawn bag, and flip it- That way in either situaion I don't have to touch any of the 'floaters'-

I also do try to make my husband do 'dead critter' removal, but sometimes when he isn't around i'm forced to. ;)

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I use a Havahart trap because we get possums who deposit the nastiest poop ever known to man. I haven't set it since the fall because it's so cold at night I'd be upset if something wandered into it and froze.( I'd be the idiot who put a blanket in the trap just in case )

Come spring it will be all ready for whatever creature dares to venture into our Cairn infested yard. So far we've relocated 3 possums, a skunk and of course our neighbors cat got to go home.

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I only wish I had that chance :shock: when I find the 'critters' they are floaters in the pool :shock: I even have a critter ramp by the skimmer -

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We used to get moles in our pool alot, too. The worst is popping off the skimmer cap and SURPRISE! I actually found one hanging on for dear life one morning, just sitting on the edge. And, of course, hubby was out of town. My neighbor put some gloves on and got him out for me.

Kay....how true, possum poop is the nastiest (Piper would probably disagree :devil: ).


Forgot to add Piper's favorite place to hang out for squirrels:


Cathy and Piper

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Now Tink has caught a poor chipmunk! She had a great week and weekend. Yesterday my dh went looking for her and she proudly showed him the chipmunk she had just killed. He brought Tink up to the porch and put her down, but she raced back to her catch. So, he had to bring her into the house so he could scoop up the chipmunk and throw it away. Now we have a dead squirrel and a dead chipmunk in our garbage can. Can't wait til the trash man comes tomorrow. I'm freaked out everytime I pass the can :sick: .



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We took Piper's numerous 'kills' (11 baby possums) to a public garbage can..... :whistle: .

We only have trash pickup once a week and I just couldn't keep THOSE in my trash can that long :sick: .


Cathy and Piper

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Linda B.

Wow- I am really impressed- Chipmonks are fast little things!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Wow- I am really impressed- Chipmonks are fast little things!
Yes they are fast, but Tink is a whiz. I never thought she would get one, but she fooled even me. Everyone on this forum talks about how fast their dogs are, so I guess it is a trait of Cairns.

We took Piper's numerous 'kills' (11 baby possums) to a public garbage can.....

I tried to get Tink's squirrel and chipmunk taken away, but my dh isn't as squeemish as I and he just put them in garbage bags - ugh! By the way, that picture of Piper looking up the tree looks just like Tink! She spends hours doing that!



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Linda....Piper will actually curl up and fall asleep in the groundcover.

Such dedication to the hunt..... :whistle:


Cathy and Piper

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  So, he had to bring her into the house so he could scoop up the chipmunk and throw it away.  Now we have a dead squirrel and a dead chipmunk in our garbage can.  Can't wait til the trash man comes tomorrow.  I'm freaked out everytime I pass the can :sick: .



There must be somethiing wrong with me. :confused:

I BURY all the critters that have passed through my yard but never made it out alive. And then I make a small cross out of shrub/tree branches.

When Elliott got ahold of "Chipper" last year (chipmunk that was living in our stone wall...the one I fed peanuts to daily for 2 years and came to me when made a clicker noise) I was torn between crying and feeling proud that my Cairn did what he was meant to do (I still cried) I buried him behind his stone wall. :cry:

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I wouldn't bury them - I can't even stand to look at them :P . Do your pets not try to dig them up when you bury them, or do you bury them outside your yard? I imagine Tink would be digging them up. We do not have an area for burying them outside our fenced area.



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