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Oldest Cairn You've Owned Or Known?


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I've had one sweet Cairn live until the age of 15 years, 3 months. My current little one has now been with me for 16 years, 6 months (on April 7.) What has been your experience with these special little creatures?

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Holdsworth lived from 08/08/1983 to 12/06/2000, (17 + years.)

He suffered common age-related ailments and couldn't swallow anymore at the

time of his passing.

My Shadow lived from 05/14/1987 to 03/28/2002, (almost 15 years.)

My Shadow, "baby beast" suffered from diabetes, and some sort of nervous

disorder that got out of control, which is when he went on to rainbow bridge.

They're my babies forever.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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tlwtheq, thanks for your reply. Sounds as though Holdsworth was really a tough little guy, and you also had many years with My Shadow. How old are your current puppies? I think, once you've owned a Cairn, it's hard to consider another breed, although I confess I'm also in love with Border Collies! But they need a special place to live .... and SOMEONE to herd!

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Maddie was almost 13 when she passed away. She'd had health issues most of her life. It's been over 2 years now and I still miss her. Greatest lil' dog ever. I fear that if I get another Cairn someday, they'll never be able to live up to her.

Murph is now 15 and a half and amazes me with how much pep he still has. I had him and my 2 Collies, who are 4 and 2 years, at a family b-b-que the other day. The Collies pooped out long before Murph. They were laying in the shade, while Murph continued to run and jump and chase after a stuffie that my nephews were playing with. I recently put up a music video on my website labeled, Who Can Turn The World On, that shows Murph chasing after a toy at about 10 times the speed of my youngest Collie. The Collie looks like he's in slow mo in comparison. That Murph, he's still got it. :)



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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Willie was 16 yrs. 1 month when he passed away. His kidneys failed after spending a happy, healthy life for most of those years.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Toto was just over 13 years old when we lost her to kidney failure.

My neighbor told me his family had a Cairn that lived to be 21 years old!! Wow!!


Cathy and Piper

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My neighbor told me his family had a Cairn that lived to be 21 years old!!  Wow!!



Lets all hope that all of our babies live to that ripe age!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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My Missy was age 17 when she passed away. Missy had IBS since age 6 and diagnosed with diabetes at age 13. Missy passed away from liver failure.

If it wasn't for the liver failure I think I could of had her for some more time. She was a strong little fighter girl. Her Dr said there aren't too many that could of faught and good fight like she did. I was blessed with 17 wonderful years.

I miss her each and every day. We do have a new little cairn a little boy named Kramer. Our 11 year old son wanted a boy so that is what we got and he is such a bundle of love and joy.

I hope all the senior Cairns out there have many more years of good health.

Here is Kramer



Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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My Chelsea was two months shy of her 19th birthday when she died last April. I adopted her right before her 14th birthday. She came with her vet records, complete with her birth date. Despite the fact that she had to have an eye removed (probably because of ocular melanosis) a few years ago, she was in good health until about 6 months before she died. She lost the sight in her other eye and developed vestibular syndrome, and she ended up succumbing to abcesses we just couldn't control.

I also had Buck, who was 17 when I adopted him in July of 1999. He may have been 18 when he died 10 months later. I knew for sure he was 17, but I didn't know his exact birthdate. You can read Buck's story at http://www.cairnrescueleague.com/remembrances.html.

I've had two other rescues, Kasey and Misty, who lived to be 15, and friends of mine currently have rescues aged 17 and 18.

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Here's to senior Cairns, and their people.

I remember reading years ago about your adopting Buck and thought at the time, as I do now, that it was awesome. There's a place in heaven for those who give geriatric dogs a dignified and loving forever home. On a day like today, when we celebrate a young Finch's second birthday, and mourn Bubba's untimely passing, who can help but look at our own dogs and pray for them, and ourselves, that we and they be allowed to live and die with grace and love, at whatever age we are gifted to achieve.

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There's a place in heaven for those who give geriatric dogs a dignified and loving forever home. On a day like today, when we celebrate a young Finch's second birthday, and mourn Bubba's untimely passing, who can help but look at our own dogs and pray for them, and ourselves, that we and they be allowed to live and die with grace and love, at whatever age we are gifted to achieve.

Very Well put Bradl

Ours are still pups ages 1 and 2 and both are the first Cairns we have been blessed to know. They have made a place in our hearts that can never be replaced, only added to.

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tlwtheq, thanks for your reply.  Sounds as though Holdsworth was really a tough little guy, and you also had many years with My Shadow.  How old are your current puppies?....


Actually I called him "My Shadow" in my note...his name was just "Shadow". But he quite frequently heard the tune "Me and My Shadow" while we were together.

I loved him so much.

Yes, Holdsworth was tough...but more than that he was one of the most happy, good-natured beings I've ever known. I truly believe that was a major contributor to his longevity in spite of his health problems late in life.

My current pups, featured in the photo (click to enlarge) are Olie (long O, like Olaf Kolzig after whom he is named), age 5 1/2, and Teddy (Bear) who just turned 4.

They are half brothers, and total partners in crime.

They are a major and essential component of my life. :)

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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On a day like today, when we celebrate a young Finch's second birthday, and mourn Bubba's untimely passing, who can help but look at our own dogs and pray for them, and ourselves, that we and they be allowed to live and die with grace and love, at whatever age we are gifted to achieve.

Beautiful Brad.

I know Savannah got lots of extra hugs last night...

Savannah is the only Cairn that I have ever owned or known so I don't have a lot to add to this thread except that it is good to know that so many Cairns live so long. I know when the time comes, it will never be long enough though.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I've read all of these posts and my eyes have teared several times. I am now 57 years old. Duffy is 2 1/2 and Mickey is almost 2. God willing, we will be seniors together. Then I thought that considering our ages now, there is the chance that I might be the one waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for them! I could not bear to loose these two little guys so maybe that might be better. At least I would have the company of Sara, Chelsea, Duke, Dominic and Daisy while I waited.


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  • 3 weeks later...

My Buck was 17 1/2 and just passed on to the Rainbow Bridge on March 28th. He had a wonderful life and was very active up until he was almost 17. The last 3 months his health was starting to fail, he had stopped eating and lost about 8 lbs. Then he started having seizures, losing his balance and walking like he was drunk. I knew he wouldn't live forever and I am thankful for the time I had with him.

My uncle had a 2 Cairns, Barney who lived to be 15 and Becky who was about 11. My Buck was from their litter of 8 pups. He outlived all of them.

I am so sad over his death, it has been so hard for me. I am glad that I found this forum to express my thoughts and grief.

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Brad your photo of Theo looked so much like my dog Max who passed away four months short of his 18th birthday I had to search the Cairn database. They are related very distantly. Their common ancestor is Cairncrag Alastair 1961-04-06. Isn't it funny how something like that would show through the photo? It was a combination of something in the eyes and how he held his head. My dog's sire AND dam shared this ancestor.

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