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He's driving me crazy!


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I FINALLY found a toy that is Elliott-proof but I am paying the price.

It's a small yellow ball that feels like rubber/foam rubber and can't be torn apart or chewed up. He's had this ball for over a month now and for some reason he just must roll it under our den loveseat, under the bookcase, behind the crates...anywhere that is out of his reach. But he does it constantly and makes sure I know it....these soft little moans, funny little cries and sounds I've never heard before from Elliott. I now walk around with a yardstick for the sole purpose of keeping King Helliott happy.

Does he think it's a game? Within the past 1/2 hour I've retrieved this ball 16 times!!! I'm pooped!!



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Elliott has Mommy so well trained!

(Brattwurst does the same thing with a little tennis ball)

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hey, what kind of ball is that? It might work for Packy, who tears up any toy in minutes! He did just get a Kong ball that he hasn't chewed up, and he also likes to roll it under the couch, in corners, etc. When he gets in places wehre I don't want him playing, I tell me to "get it out of there" and he does! He's learned when I say that to pick up the ball and move it a few feet away. It's so funny -- and he's so smart!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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He's got you wrapped around his paws. :D His face looks so much like Abbey's. I love my two dark colored ones, but I also love the contrast of the dark eyes against the wheaten color. Abbey gets forgiven ALOT due to that exact expression.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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In our house we call this "reverse fetch." Allie noses her ball under our antique buffet, and then barks at us until I get it out for her. This must be a cairn trait!

I keep a long wooden spoon on top of the buffet so I can swat at the ball and get it out for her. She loves the game, but I'm not fond of it.

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With a face like that you'd have to give him anything he wants.

You don't have anything better to do other than follow him around with a stick do you? :D

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that is the reason Tabitha cannot have her tennis ball out at all times. As soon as she gets it, it goes right under the sofa then she barks until you get it out.

Teona's "bouncy" will not fit under the sofa so she plays with it ALL DAY!!! It goes with ehr in every room. It's a wobbly ball and is indestructable.


I get them at Petsmart.

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I saw the topic title and just knew this had to be about Elliott!

He's got you well-trained! Good job, Elliott! Just think of all the calories you are burning bending and reaching for the ball!

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Speaking of durable balls, a long time ago I bought a larger sized ball (basketball size) that was 'indestructable', it's what they give Tigers and Lions to play with at the zoo. I recall that they can in smaller sizes to- Now that I want to buy another one, I can't find them.... anyone seen them anywhere?

Last thing- I keep an old wooden cain on hand for to keep balls/toy out from under stuff. Its hand if the object doesn't roll, you can hook it and pull it out.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Woof to my fellow dawgs! Drat! The Uprights have uncovered one of our BEST tactics! If they could just face up to the fact that most of them have had a few too many biscuits and NEED the exercise they wouldn't be complaining so much. We really do care about their health, which is why we are so willing to exercise them and "share" their food. We must persist!



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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Savannah does this and it drives me insane!!!! I thouhgt I was the only one! She sounds and looks JUST LIKE ELLIOT!!!

We bought Savannah this pack of mini tennis balls when she was a puppy. We had them about 7 or 8 months and she never played with them so we put them up. One day, she found one of them somewhere outside and ever since it has become her favorite toy! Well, it is just the right size to fit underneath the coffee table and the end tables. She will play fetch for awhile and then when she gets tired, she will take the ball RIGHT NEXT to the tables and bat it around like a cat until it goes under the table. She does the Elliot move of laying on her side and scratching at it trying to get it out (you wouldn't believe the scratches on my tables :mad: ). When she realizes that she can't get them, she does the weirdest bark and whine for me to get them. She sounds sort of like I imagine a rabid dog to sound like. We play this game until I get irritated and then I put the ball on the counter where she can't get to it. It amazes me the traits that they all have that are SO similar! Things that you would think are individual traits turn into breed traits!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest darcysmom

KayHarley, you say Elliott hasn't succeeded in chewing it up into a million pieces? Wow, that's some ball!! I may have to order one for my two if they are truly indestructable.


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