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Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere!


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Today is a nice breezy, sunny day and the dogs have been enjoying sitting out on the deck. We have had a ton of rain and our backyard is a mess.....so it's deck time this week!

Finch loves to chase bubbles! I wish I could get Scout interested in this activity but she just gives me that "you can forget about it!" look...lol!

I took some pictures of the girls on our deck. This first one is Finch in action...just about to jump in the air chasing a bubble!


See the bubble on her neck?

Here are the two of them in their usual position...heads sticking out of the fence....gotta keep track of those squirrels!


And here is Scout in her favorite spot!


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awwww, sweet shot of Scout....love it!!! I'll have to remember the bubbles this summer, i think they'd like that too.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Cooper loves the bubbles too! As soon as he sees the bottle in my hand, he is barking to start chasing them...it is so funny!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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WOW! That picture of Scout looks like a magazine cover! It looks like they had a terrific time - and I know the squirrels are REAL happy to see them out once again.

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Adorable girls!!

Gotta ask.....will your two pee-pee on the deck, if necessary? Our yard is a mess from all the rain, too. But, I don't think Piper would potty on it if I enclosed the deck as you have.

I am getting tired of wiping muddy paws and washing all the towels that go with it....


Cathy and Piper

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Cathy, no they don't pee on the deck. I usually only have them outside for less than an hour at a time. Sometimes (like this afternoon!) they will bark alot and I don't want to bother the neighbors, so I bring them back inside. They were getting a little too "vocal" this afternoon so I bought them inside and gave them a frozen Kong...ah....peace!

We have the same problem with dirty feet. If it's raining outside, I bring them in through the garage because we have a path, with area rugs, from the entrance all the way to the kichen door (we don't have a mud room....sigh). If it's nice outside, I just leave them on the deck until their paws are dried and, hopefully, mud free.

I love spring, but hate all this mud!

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Guest Darcy's Mom

It's so funny that you posted about bubbles. I was at Wal-Mart last weekend and the idea struck me that maybe my two would love bubbles, then I wondered if they were harmful to them? So I passed on the bubbles. Wish now I had gotten them. Maybe this weekend. Someone posted earlier on a flavored for dogs bubble machine. I was thinking more like the little wand we used to use as kids.

Your crew is amazing. And that picture of Scout is magazine cover material definitely.


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I think I need a gate on my deck. We don't have a mud room either, so I was thinking of putting an ex-pen around the door on muddy days so I could catch them bofore they darted into the house.

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Great pics, Shoe. I love your dogs!! :wub:

I have the same muddy predicament here... (posted about ground cover for their play area just yesterday)

I have an old ash can on my deck that we never used. I fill it with warm water and then will swoosh the deck area where the 12 muddy paws are. The force of the water is enough to get MOST of the dirt off and when they see the water coming they dance in it...all the better.

I remember finding meat flavored bubbles in Petco last year. Mine like to play with them too but they get bored after a couple minutes.

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I always love your pictures, Shoe! I'm going to have to try bubbles w/ my girls. We don't get any mud, probably because we don't get any snow. :( Still, I usually just baby wipe their feet after a hard run in the yard. Actually, I have to baby wipe Kiara's entire body for fear of what she might have rolled in when I wasn't looking. :sick:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Hi I just love those photo's I went to pets at home they did'nt have any doggie bubbles only cat i might try those.


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The doggie bubbles are a favorite here! But keep them outside -- even the dog variety are a little too sticky for tile or wood floors.

Here's a trick for those of you in really cold climates. We had a below zero weekend (and a mean WAY below zero - like twenty below) in early February. I got the bubbles out because in that temperature they freeze. They don't pop and you can actually roll them around. Allie loves it. We don't stay out long because it's way too cold for both of us, but I had to try the bubbles again this year. I actually stayed outside and played with them longer than Allie did!

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I use to have the meat flavored bubbles, but ran out of them. I use regular bubbles now. Finch rarely catches a bubble but just loves to chase them. If she were ingesting alot of the bubbles, I would buy the bubbles made for dogs.

I'll have to try the frozen bubbles...sounds like fun!

Oh, and we ONLY do this outside!

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No, I don't put booties on Allie, though my cousin uses them on her dobie, and lots of people around here have little coats for their shorter-haired dogs (like Jack Russells or little dachshunds). But we don't take long walks in 20 below weather -- just quick trips around the block, or even a quick play/poop session in the back yard. At that temp, with a wind, people can get frostbite on exposed skin within minutes. Allie doesn't seem to mind the cold as much as I do.

Sometimes on our walks Allie will become a "three-legged dog" and then I pick her up and put her in my parka til we get home. The biggest problem, though, is the ice melt people put on the sidewalks. It really bothers her feet. If there's been a recent snow, I always bring her home and wash her feet off well.

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