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Crunch's new little brother


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Well, we gave in. We knew we wanted another one as a companion of Crunch (11 months old). We just didn't know that it would be today. But here he is...No name yet. This was a little impulsive. We drove several hours to go visit with a kennel to plan for a "future addition" . And you can guess the rest.


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oh my gosh is he cute. YOu should name him Munch......get it, Crunch and Munch.....hehehehe.....sorry, it's late! LOL

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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How wonderfull he is so cute , when we went to see the breeder we did'nt intend to get one that day, but how can you not come home with one.

Im green with envy,Binky

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He is just a little doll! Puppy pics kill us, you know. We want, we want, we want.

I kinda like "Munch" too :lol: Or Hunch, Lunch, Bunch,..

I know you will have a ball having 2 Cairns. Is Crunch as excited as you all are?

Just be forewarned....having 2 can possibly lead to having 3. :shock:

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Crunch is REALLY excited. I'm not sure if he is excited because he thinks we brought home a new toy for him to de-stuff or if he realizes that the new one is a playmate. We are supervising carefully and Crunch is mostly interacting with the puppy behind bars (the puppy in his crate). We are also being very aware of making sure Crunch is getting loads of attention. We are trying to avoid any jealousy issues. The gret thing is that we just had a wood fence built and Crunch just loves running free in the back yard. So, we can let Crunch play outside when we need puppy time alone. This is a little harder than I thought it would be. This new baby seems very fragile and small.

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How cute is your new baby! ahhhh.... I just had a talk with Hub yesterday, he brought up a possible 3rd for us- and I told him that I understand with others who have 3 that the dynamic changes, and it can turn into 2 against 1..... so we'll hold at 2.... :( But i'm sure Mett & Bratt are :)

I love Munch! or Munchie...... Of course this is comming from someone who named her dogs Brattwurst & Mettwurst.

More pics!!! More Pics!!


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hi! The new little guy is sooooooooooo precious - - - - and I love the name Munch - - - really funny - - -Crunch and Munch!!! Good luck with the both of them!

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What a cute little puppy. You are describing why I am forbidden within 1000 feet of our animal sheltar...I would be overloaded.



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Post more pics! He is adorable!!! Oh, how I want another one...

P.S - Another vote for "Munch"! How cute would that be!!! In the park yelling "Crunch and Munch, GET OVER HERE!" I can see the reactions already!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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Oh my, he is too cute.

I vote Munch too. This is coming for a woman who named her first human child Jackson. With the second, hoping it would be a girl, we were going to name her Jillian!!! Get it, Jack and Jill (duh).

But God interveined and now we have Jack and Josh. Oh well.

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No name yet for the new addition. Crunch was a birthday gift for my son, so he named him (Capt. Crunch, actually). Now my husband is making this huge list of possible names. I'm ready to call him something besides "puppy". I think Munch is really cute. I'll post more pics later.

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Oh, a new puppy!!! I can't stand it......I LOVE puppy breath!!!!!

I like the name "Munch" too. We had a Cairn years ago who was named Minch (actually we had two Minch's!). We got the name (and others) from a map of Scotland. I can't remember if it came from a city or a lake.

Good luck with the name.....I found it almost as hard as naming our human children! :P

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Another vote for Munch. Munch was also the name of an oddly interesting detective on a police show. Cairns have a bit of the detective in them (and a little of the odd and a lot of the interesting).

Not sure if there'd be sound-alike confusion in commands and calling them, though.

Maybe 'Captain' would be a good name to go with Crunch? Sounds different, stands alone as a fine, important-sounding name. But call them together and there's no doubt they're sweet :lol:

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It's like an addiction you know.... puppy photos.... you know you shouldn't look, because it makes you want another..... yet you just can't help yourself.


Hi my name is Tracy, I'm a Cairn-Holic.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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