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Trick for a Treat


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Alfie here working overtime!

A couple of days ago I felt something really bad going on in my tummy. I had to wake up my uprights at 3 am and whatever it was, the moment I went to my toilet area outside, it felt like water came out instead of...well you get the picture. I went back to sleep but only after 2 hours, I felt that tummy ache again, and this time I couldn't wait until I got out and just HAD TO GO by the doorway. My uprights had no idea how humiliating it felt, but to add insult to injury, they had to call someone on the phone and report the 2 incidents IN GREAT DETAIL! I heard them say the words "maybe contaminated pig's ears" and "we'll never give it again." NOOOOOO!! I LIVE FOR TREATS LIKE THAT!

But that is not the point of my story. Let me continue. They bought this stuff that had kaolin and pectin in it or something, but it was some syrupy sweet yucky thing. I hated the smell! They were giving it to me on a teaspoon....are they brain dead? Don't they see that my mouth is not like that of an upright? But wait, I'm not done. The lady boss intentionally spilled the stuff on the floor, and she PUT PIECES OF CHEESE OVER IT. I said to myself, now we're in business! Then I really thought, what a great way to get a treat, pretend you don't like the stuff they want you to take, then they will put a treat over it.

Now it's been more than 48 hours and I'm still waiting for them to open that bottle of syrup so I can prepare to trick them again, but I don't know how that has anything to do with my poopie at all....the lady boss has been saying "the poopie is back to normal." Let me tell ya, Fearless Leader and Fellow CURs, those uprights are really brain dead. But I guarantee you that the pretend trick works 100%.

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Special Agent Scully reporting for duty Sir!

Eli, it must be bad poopie week! I had my mommy in a cold sweat this morning only with me, I couldn't do my #2 outside. I pushed and pushed for 20 minutes and that stupid poop would not come out. Then my mommy, God love her, come outside in that thing she wears to bed, her hair sticking up like a clown, and proceeded to try to get that poop right outta me. It was stuck all over my butt. Now THAT's humiliation!!

Then my poor mommy almost started to cry 'cause she felt so bad for me. So my daddy pickeded me up and put me in some kind of tub and they put warm water on my butt. I thought my mommy was gonna get sick but she loves me enough to keep pulling all that stuck stuff off of me.

Then I ran and ran and ran all around the yard 'cause I felt better. Oh yeah, and my mommy gave me something called pumpkin to help - boy was THAT good!

I hope you're feeling better Eli! We can't have our leader under the weather.

Power to the Pooches!

SA Scully Squires

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((after a full minute of snickering))

Special Agent Scully,

It was me, Alfie, not our leader Eli, with the watery poopie problem. If our own fearless leader has a poopie problem then I would have to conclude that the uprights are up to something and they might know that we have an underground revolution going on....what are they putting in our food? Our treats?

S.A. Scully, I will have to concur with you that there is nothing more humiliating than poopie being popped out of your pa-tootie....by your own uprights!


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Oh Alfie...I'm so sorry I got confused. My little head is still reeling from the thought of somebody yanking poppie outta me. But I know my mommy meant well. I hope YOUR patootie is doing better.

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The poop machine is definitely back to its normal function! I hope, Agent Scully, that we don't have to go through that humiliation again!

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Woof! Eli, here! Your fearless leader of CUR. I feel your pain, dawgs, in the poopie department! Tho I have not had any problems in that region lately. I do have a minor ear issue currently and that Alpha B is really getting down and dirty. She actually sneaks UP on me when I am all relaxin' and stuff and shoves that stuff right down my ear! With no SHAME. I hate to admit it, but my ear does feel better. I shake my head afterwards tho, because she might also be putting brainwashing stuff in there, too. I can't let that happen! After all, we dawgs have a MISSION! So I will be sleeping with one eye open.



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WARNING!!!!! It can backfire!!!! Alfie, you have a nicer upright than I do. I acted like I didn't want to take a pill and my upright SHOVED it down the back of my throat and held my mouth shut until I took it. No cheese, no treat, no good stuff! So watch out pooches, it can backfire on you!!!!!! These uprights just think that they rule the world don't they??

And what's up with our fearless leader Eli, commander and chief Alfie and special agent Scully all being sick at the same time???? Anyone get the feeling that the uprights got wind of the CUR and are poisoning us to try and keep us down??????? I suggest that we don't eat anything that the uprights give us unless we see it come straight from the bag. We can't let them win!

Faithful CUR member,


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hm, I wonder if the uprights are up to something. Eli, our Fearless One, be careful not to shake your head as that stuff in your ear might spread into your brain. Savannah, your upright seems to be more direct with her approach to us CURs and it sounds like she will not hesitate to take us down.

Just yesterday I experimented on that great escape. The teenage boy upright and his friends decided to take me out for a walk. I can tell that he is not used to manipulating the leash and let it remain long....so I snuck under the mesh fence towards the neighbor's yard, and managed to yank the loose halter collar out of my neck....I was scott free!!!! The teenage upright was not fast enough to shorten that leash....it was GREAT for 20 minutes...but I knew it was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE...I made a wrong turn and found myself cornered by more uprights than I can handle...the teenage boy came, carrying with him something that just made my knees melt....CHEESE!!! Let me tell ya, that stuff is really, really good, if you can...WAIT! What am I talking about? I got tricked by them again!!! Darn. I could have been running in the wild right now...but the cheese...um, yummy!

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Cheese seems to be their secret weapon. Makes us weak and compliant. Must find the Antidote ASAP or they will continue to rule the world!

Mmmmmm...... cheese!


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Sophie quietly reporting..You know what they did, the uprights came right in my house and said.."enough of this nervous stuff" and they went to our refridgerator and got the cheese...OUR CHEESE.

Well of course I ran in the kitchen and just as I was about to yell....that strange upright, gave me some cheese.

Oh my....folded just the way I like it an everything.....CUR members must we overthrow the ones with cheese?



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Olie and Teddy here. Boy oh boy isn't it the truth about that cheese trick. We could give up a lot of stuff, but we'd have to draw the line at cheese.

Oh, what to do, what to do? :confused:

Max and Nelly

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Hmmmm... this cheese issue. Their not-so-secret weapon. What to do, what to do? Makes us weak and compliant. That, along with those thumb-thingys allows them to rule the world. And belly rubs. Things are not looking good for CUR!

But hey, wait!!! We are not giving up! We are TERRIERS and terriers NEVER give up.

Cheese! mmmmmmmm....... Belly rubs! mmmmmmmm........



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No we will never give up!!!! But cheese and belly rubs should be an acceptable excuse for any dog in the CUR complying to the wishes of the uprights.



We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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