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Feeding Schedules

Blackbelt Jones

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Hi all,

I'd like to get your opinions on Feeding Schedules. Right now, we have Clancy on a 3 times a day feeding... 6:30 AM, 11:00AM and 5:30 PM. We leave the food out for about 20 minutes

Some Questions:

1) I have read that you should switch from feeding your puppy from 3 times a day to 2 times a day at around fourth months... is this true? I don't want my little guy to feel hungry throughout the day, but I have seen so many places that twice a day is the way to go.

2) If you do feed twice a day, what times do you use/recommend? I am trying to gauge the average time between feedings...


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Sophie (who is grown) gets fed at 6:30 am and again at 5 pm....now most times she only eats at one of the times, it is a rare day that she eats both times.



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I am no puppy expert or cairn expert for that matter. But I am dealing with the same "do I go from three times a day to 2" question. I have heard it is the right thing to do.

I tried about a month ago to cut back Zoey's food intake. However when I went to 2 feedings a day I would find her sitting in the kitchen next to her water bowl patiently waiting for me to feed her. It soon grew into moans and small barks to get my attention. (I think she figured I just forgot what time it was). I tried to stick with this for about a week --- but noticed she was starting to eat her poop and dig at things while outside. I went back to the 3 times a day and just cut back to 1/4 cup each feeding.

Personally, 3 times a day seems better to me than the alternative I was seeing.

But I would be curious as to others' opinions.

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Guest posting as: Hagar

Renny (8 months old) has food available at all times. He normally eats an "actual meal" in the evening when we return from our walk, and shortly after we get up in the morning. The rest of the time he will stop for a mouthful or two at various times during the day. He will also get up during the nite and eat a mouthful or two and get a drink of water. He does not overeat and the Vet says his weight is just right. I feel that this is the way to go for a dog who self-regulates his food intake.

When we were in the housebreaking phase, I used treats for doing what he was supposed to do. I was a little concerned that between the treats and regular food that I'd have to watch his weight. He actually compensated for the treats by eating a less food. So, unless he starts pigging out, he will continue to have food available on demand.

I'm aware that some dogs will eat anything in sight and will become overweight quite easily. In that case, obviously the dog should be put on a strict and consistent feeding schedule. But based on my experience with Renny, I'd suggest starting out by having food available at all times until it is determined that you have a dog who doesn't control his own food intake. Hagar.

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It is good to see I am not the only one with questions about this. :)

He is not yet at the stage we we can free feed him, as we are still in the middle to end stages of house breaking him, and we need to keep him on a schedule.

I haven't decided to if we want to go the free feeding rout. I have read where free feeding can lead to a host of eating issues, including the dog getting board with the food more quickly, or obesity... but I am always open to other thoughts and experiences, believe me! Right now, he is thriving on a regimented schedule.

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Packy was on a twice a day feeding schedule until around 4 months, then he just wasn't all that interested in eating twice a day. We free feed him now and he usually eats just after our supper -- after he knows he's not getting any of ours, I guess! His weight is fine and he likes his food just fine, too. We free fed our previous Cairn, too, and had no problems. I do move his dish around sometimes, or put his food in a treat ball to give him a little variety. He loves that! He also likes it when we play the "food game" -- I throw the food down the tiled hall or across the kitchen and he runs to get it.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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My pup is 2 1/2 years old and still eats twice a day (7AM and 6PM). He always eats at both times, and the vet thinks it is a good idea to keep this schedule. She says this prevents him from gorging/gulping and getting bloated. He still eats at both times and still eats his afternoon snack, so I wasnt going to change his schedule. Is there any reason we really need to move to once a day feeding?

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My pup is 2 1/2 years old and still eats twice a day (7AM and 6PM).  He always eats at both times, and the vet thinks it is a good idea to keep this schedule. She says this prevents him from gorging/gulping and getting bloated.  He still eats at both times and still eats his afternoon snack, so I wasnt going to change his schedule.  Is there any reason we really need to move to once a day feeding?


My breeder was a big time fan of free feeding, as are my parents who have raised two Cairns. However, I have heard repeatedly that twice a day feedings are the best way to go (from vets, other breeders, various articles, other dog owners), which is why we are keeping a feeding schedule in place for now, as it seems to work pretty well for us!

We are switching him from three times to two now that he is four months... we tried 8AM and 5:30 PM this weekend, and that seems to be working so far!

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I forgot to ask... what afternoon snack do you feed him, and at what time?


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I feed Bella 2 a day, but she also has kibble left for her throughout the day so she can graze if she needs too. She is nearly 5 months.

She has breakfast around 7ish which can range from a chicken wing, chicken neck or a mixture of kibble, yoghurt, vegies and raw meat.

For tea that is normally between 6-7ish and can range from chicken wings, chicken mince(which is basically ground up chicken carcasses), raw meat with a mixture of vegies etc.

She may have snacks througout the day, normally she chews on pig ears or may have occassionaly liver flavoured treats if she is doing some training.


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I forgot to ask... what afternoon snack do you feed him, and at what time?



In the morning, after his breakfast, we may give him a tiny bit of peanut butter or a piece of apple if we are eating breakfast. After his noon walk, we may give him a baby carrot or a couple of green beans. Mid-afternoon we will give him a CET chew - it helps him to keep his teeth clean and also he loves the taste. :)

We usually feed him about 1/3 cup of Canidae twice a day, so he isnt eating too much even with the snacks. :)

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Savannah decided when she was going to be cut back to 2 meals a day. She just wasn't interested in eating in the afternoons anymore. The vet said that it was best to let her decide when it was time instead of trying to take it away. So I would still be feeding her 3 times a day if that is what she chose. I believe that it was 4-5 months old when she stopped eating in the afternoons. Soon, she stopped eating in the mornings and prefers to eat her full meal at night. If I put food in her dish in the mornings, she just looks at it. I usually feed her when we eat at night (around 6ish) becuase it keeps her from begging. I understand that some people who feed their pups at the same time they eat have trouble with Alpha roles but we have never had this problem with Savannah.

I also wanted to add that Savannah gets the same amount of food regardless of how many times a day she eats, we just split it up into smaller portions when she would eat each time.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Great advice all! We have him at 8:15 AM and 5:15 PM, with a light snack mid day, per your suggestion Milo. So far, it is working out great.

Thank you all for taking the time to post... you are all a huge help!!!

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