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Abby Likes To Ride In Car

Abby's Dad

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I can't put on my jacket, rattle my car keys or go outside or Abby is ready to ride! Here she is ready to go - have to bribe her to get her out most of the time :Dpict01557gd.jpg

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Cute picture! It took me three Cairns to get one to ride in the van w/ me. My oldest, Kiara just doesn't like it and will whine. Abbey will ride about 20 minutes before she gets sick. :sick: Hannah love riding w/ me and is the one that watches my every move. Her expressions waiting to see if she gets to go are priceless. My dh bought her a dog car seat that we put her in for her to ride safely. She's in the middle row of my van behind me. I must admit that when I come to a light and turn to check on her, she's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I would like to tell everyone about the safety harness I got Buddy.

It is the same material as our seatbelts are made of and it is a regular harness, then there is an additional piece that is attached to the harness and the other end clicks right into the seatbelt in the car! It is the coolest thing. I was reminded of the importance of this when my groomer told me about a dog who jumped out of a car and was hit by another car, and another instance where she had read about a car being stopped by police for a routine traffic stop and the dog jumping out and barking at the police officer - the officer feeling threatened and shooting the dog.

With our little darlings, or mine at least, I fear he will jump out of the window, he LOVES the wind in his face and somehow always manages to hit the window button and roll it down!

Take care all.

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adorable :wub:

Both my girls wine and pace while in the car. It takes a while for them to settle down. Teona wants to lay ontop of Tabitha.

They got to ride in my new Equinox for the first time this morning.....trip to the groomers. :D

I have a double leash that has a loop on one end. I hook it onto the headrest in the back seat. It keeps them from being thrown forward if I have to stop quickly.


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I would like to tell everyone about the safety harness I got Buddy.

It is the same material as our seatbelts are made of and it is a regular harness, then there is an additional piece that is attached to the harness and the other end clicks right into the seatbelt in the car!  It is the coolest thing.  I was reminded of the importance of this when my groomer told me about a dog who jumped out of a car and was hit by another car, ...


Boy oh boy does that hit home. We were on our way to our vacation in North Carolina's Outer Banks last year when we witnessed (and barely escaped being a part of) an horrific accident. Saturday morning is like a giant rush hour with folks from the Washington/Baltimore/Annapolis area heading south to begin the weekly rentals. Anyhow, we felt obligated to stop, try to help the family that was run off the road by a huge pick-up truck, and wait for the arrival of the police to give our account. My DH pulled over into someone's driveway out of traffic and opened the driver side door to go offer assistance. Before I could stop them Olie and Teddy hopped out right behind him, just a few small feet from the road with ALL those cars going by. People don't usually hear me scream as loud as I did to get their attention and get them back in the car...I sounded like a drill sergeant.

Ever since that I've been thinking about safety measures like the harness you described, if for no other reason than pups should probably be restrained just like humans with some sort of seatbelt. We're going to the Outer Banks again this year.

So where did you get this harness so I can order some?


Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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My two LOVE to ride in the car....you should see my windows!

I wonder if I could use their sherpa harness with the seatbelts somehome....hmm...

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Tara, Ollie and Teddy's Mom (akam Drill Sergeant),

I got the seatbelt at a local pet store. I have the box in my car and will get it at lunch time and let you know. It cost $19.99 though, so plan on putting out some money. The stores do sell other kids of harnesses and seat belt attachments too, they are less expensive. I just liked the fact that the harness and attachment I got were made of the same material and stitching as the car seatbelts, so I know they are tuff. Again, I will get the brand name and hopefully a website off of the box when I go to lunch.

Thank goodness your babies were ok and listened when you ordered them back in the car.

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Not to advertise (Goodness knows I don't own stock.. but I should!) there's a company online called PetEdge... odds are anything you buy from the local pet store (or even PetsMart) have ordered from them... we got Cleo and Zephyr's harnesses from Petedge. It's a "wholesaler" company.. however, that just means uber savings for us. You can order anything you like from their catalogs (they just put out a new one)... but if your order is less than $60 there's like an additional $10 charge.... somehow I've never had to pay that charge.

At any rate.. our safety harness' were really only about $5 each. These harnesses are made out of the same material as regular leads or collars for dogs... they're still tough stuff though. We've had them for over a year and they're going strong! :)

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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So far I have bought two harnesses for Tink and she has chewed through both of them. She doesn't chew many things, but she does not like to be harnessed in the car. She has a car seat and loves it. She will lay in it, roll around in it and sleep, but if I put the harness on to be more secure, she chews it off.



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Shoe- I tried the seatbelt harness thing with Sophie. She rode less nervously, and for a calmer car ride it was great but when I got out of the car to buy a paper. She couldn't get up to see where I went, my car exploded with 'yapping'. I didn't know she could make such noises. So for the ride, great, for errands...big zero. :)

I am also looking in to the car harness that attaches to the front seat, almost like a car seat.



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What an adorable picture! Our Darcy can't sit still either if she hears the keys jingle!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I am also looking in to the car harness that attaches to the front seat, almost like a car seat.


Tena, the one thing that worries me about them in the front seat is that if the airbags would ever deploy I'm afraid it could kill them or hurt them really bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a priceless pic! :)

Reading over the posts remind me also of my three boys.

Dingo's spot is of course in MY lap..and every..hmmm 5 minutes I HAVE to pet the top of his head or that little pawpaw comes right up in the air signaling for the "pat :P

Then Oakie..ohh he's the stinker..he likes to look out the window and check things out...I always tell him "Oak..your gonna get huty..sit down"

I have to drive REALLLL slow around the cornoers since he puts his feet on the arm rest and then SLLIIDEESSSSS as we go... :huh:

Then Bubba..oh poor Bubba..my very sick guy... :( If we get him well I am looking forward to putting him back in his spot..curled up on the passenger side right on the floor...he's the TOUGH ONE..like an army sargent he REFUSES to sleep on anything fluffy and nice..he wants HARD COLD floor :twisted:

The dogs a nut ball!

Then..the real treat..the truck comes to a halt at our local ski trail where they pop out one two three jumping up and down like mexican beans until I say the WORD..

Wanna go for a RUN????

And varaooommmmmm

Off all three of them go down the trail in pure bliss for their 5 mile run!!! :D

Takes me AT least 5 miles to WEAR them out..honestly..those stinkers!!!


Pray for Bubba please so he can enjoy his rides and runs again :wub:

Bubba below nursing him back day by day


Stacey, Shep, Dingo, Oakie and of course, Bubba!!

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That picture is priceless.

I also advocate the use of a restraining device while your dogs are in the car. In the event of a sudden stop, your Cairn will most likely be hurled forward with injury to follow.

I came up with a simple plan that works for us. I attatched a regular leash to the backs of our headrests in the back seat. It allows enough room for them to lie down and look out the window. I never have to worry about opening the door and having them bolt. When it's time to get out, I just clip on their leash and unclip the car leash. They are never loose for even a second.

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Miss Emerald LOVES the car. We say "Car Ride", "Lets Go" "Petsmart" or Bye Bye and she flips out, starts running from front to back door, whining, crying, and will occasionally nip my heels as if to say "Lets go". WE cannot say it ahead of time or else she will drive us crazy until she is in that car. Her most favorite is looking out the windows ( I like having the sign of the dog on my windows it adds a special touch).

She will not tolerate being harnessed in. But the car seat idea sounds great! Can you please tell me more about it?

thanks so much!


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