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Connor and Elsa Are 1 Today


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We have two loving and unique hooligans that are housebroken (love that doggie door!) happy, somewhat obedient (pretty good with come and sit, we got some work to do), love their jogs with Mommy (once Elsa decides to let me put on the dreaded harnes which reminds her of car travel) and love to cuddle on the bed. They are lovey dovey and will sit in our laps for scritches and they still play with each other like wild wolverines. Once in a while they go to a special kennel in Malibu for a couple days when we travel and they get pampered and get to play with a ton of dogs. Elsa still gets carsick, so she gets a small dose of ACE to prevent all the drama and help her get over her fears. They love their marrow bones, their nubbly Nylabones (like the hard dinosaur) and these electric green rubbery balls with holes for inserting treats. When we work, they get a big section of the kitchen and the doggie door, but only part of the yard b/c if they get over by the bird feeder, they bark and wake up the neighbor who works at night :mad: . Sometimes we give them the run of the house while we go to the store or dinner and so far, no damage (b/c we shut closet doors and don't leave tastey shoes around). Connor is still the Sock Thief of All Time and prays for any chance to steal my sheepskin slippers. Elsa is Boss Dog and Drama Queen. They still bark at The Bad Dog in the Mirror to keep it away. All in all, they are very nice young dogs and easy to live with. We got them from show dog breeders; these guys are the "pet quality" ones of the litter, but are real good lookin dogs. Connor is a lean, mean 21+ pounds and Elsa is around 15-16 pounds. All muscle!

Thank goodness for doggies! Let's hear it for Cairns!

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Happy, Happy Birthday, Connor and Elsa :cake: !!

Sounds like your up-rights are totally in love with you, so hope you get LOTS of new toys!!!

Cathy and Piper

Cathy and Piper

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Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Demand lots of treats and scrithes!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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