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Playing with the cat


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I was in the kitchen last evening and for once my shadow was not at my heels. Sophie was in the living room investigating a pigs ear. A few minutes into my chores I hear some serious snarling and growling coming from the living room. I investigate.

The cat is on one side of the living room doorway, Sophie the other. Within seconds of my investigation Sophie's nose appears around the doorway, the cat responds with a smack...Sophie dashes off in a noisy growling circle, complete with fierce barks. She returns, nose appears, smack...off she goes again.

She was having the time of her life. Her face was smiling little tail wagging furiously. Zooming around the livingroom making all this growling and snarling, then returning to the cat...for another smack.

It was like critter tag.

Who knew she was going to get that noisey when playing..my lands.




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I had one doggie-kitty pair a number of years ago that immensely enjoyed playing with one another. Arcadia (the kitty) would lie in the middle of the living room rug while Holdsworth (the Cairn) would run by, back and forth, then around her in circles. As I understood it, the object of the game was for Holdsworth to get by without Arcadia touching him. She would take swipes at him as he went by, and then roll over to the other side to face the direction in which he ran (gotta keep your defenses up.) If she got a good grip she would hold on and let Holdsworth drag her around the rug. This didn't hurt him when she did tag him because she didn't have front claws. They played the game a lot and had a lot of fun.

It'll be interesting to see if your kitty finally decides she wants to play with Sophie. If so I'm sure they'll both love it. Sophie is really developing quite the little personality, isn't she? Sounds like she's turning into a talker...no surprises there, she's all Cairn. She must be very happy. :)

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Ahhhhh, cats and dogs.....I wish mine got along! Scout ignores Bach, but Finch still enjoys chasing her whenever the possibility arises. Thank goodness our cat is declawed!

My SIL has a cat (who is very mean!). We love to bring the dogs with us when we visit (they have a Golden). We have never had any problems with their cat before, but last week while we were visiting, Finch ran up to me shaking! I never did find out what happened, but the cat was not around and Finch spent the rest of the evening in my lap. She started shaking again after being calm for about an hour. We "think" the cat was hiding in a basket in the other room and was peeking her head out when Finch looked over. My SIL said that her cat loves to sit in that basket and whenever you look over at her she hides! Cats and dogs.....

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The last week has been like someone turned a switch on with her vocal noises. A few days ago she was "boofing' in the hallway, cocking her head from side to side listening to the slight echo. She has taken to making these crazed growly noises while playing with her spider. She was so loud shaking her rope toy, that my mom on the other end of the phone asked what she was fussing about.....wow, what noises. its like she had alot to say and finally got the chance to say it.l

Her and this cat have a love/hate thing going on. Sophie waffles between wanting to play and being intimidated...The cat thinks about playing but finds Sophie's new confidence annoying.

it's funny...I will notice, wow she's getting bigger about the same time some new emotional development occurs.....each day, she changes just a bit.



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Tena, it sounds like Sophie is coming into her own little self each day. It must be soooo rewarding to watch!

Finch makes sounds when she plays with her toys too and I've had people ask why she makes that sound.......I have no idea what is going on her head, but she does it every time she plays!

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"boofing".....lol, Tena we call that puffing...which led to another nick name for Ellie....Puff Doggie....it's so funny.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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