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A stranger comes in the house


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I have probably mentioned that Sophie is most afraid of people when they come inside the house.Several weeks ago I changed the way we handled the situation of people at the door and today saw real progress.

In keeping with the new system I put Sophie behind me when I opened the door and the visitor and I moved into the living room. Sophie came forward to sniff his shoes, then whined a scared little whine. The visitor told her "don't be scared pooch I'm not gonna hurt you" and then we both ignored her completely. She was real brave, hung around watching us talk, kind of lounging on the rug. She was alert and watchful, but her gaze was curious not fearful. Her tail was twitching when he left.

I was impressed, thats a big step from darting forward, sniffing, then barking and growling and dashing for her bed and with a whining snarl scurry behind me, and cower.

Previously, I tried a lot of other ways to try and reassure her, but something about allowing her to bark at the door, then me taking over the door and allowing the person to enter, is much more comforting to her.

The scared little whine breaks my heart....she wants so much to experience everything but this fear wells up in her. Each day she streches a bit farther.

Yeah Sophie!



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Way to go, Sophie! One step at a time. :thumbsup:

My Madison is timid of several things....one being thunder, those packing "bubbles" that you can pop and she hates the snowplow. I don't know how to get her to be less fearful without making it worse.

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Hi! Glad to hear she is making progress - - - just as in humans I suspect dogs have their fears. Mine will attack the vacumn cleaner every time I run it - - he also hates it when it is particularly windy out - - - but he loves it when we have visitors!! Just have to get him to calm down - - he falls all over himself!!!

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Good for you little Sohpie!!! High fives!!!

The only time I've seen Scully scared is when I take out the vacuum. Another situation I've noticed lately is if the boy next door is outside with his friends and I put her out to go potty. She'll run to the grass and do her business and then come running back up the stairs and wants to come in. This makes me wonder if they've done something to her in the past. (If so, I'll wring their necks!)

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Abe and Scruf are both afraid of the vacuum, too. Abe tries to con me into carrying him with me while I vacuum, and poor Scruf cowers on the couch with his little ears laid back. They are pitiful when something scares him. Scruf is extremely sensitive to sounds, sound moves or noises terrify him. Even things such as popping your gum or something getting dropped....it concerns me somewhat.


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Haven't been on for awhile and noticed this topic. roxie is extremely scared of people since pup on, now 2.5. Vinnie loves people. So when people walk up to pet them, Roxie hides behind me and Vinnie then gets all the attention. She peeks out once in awhile, and from the look in her eyes you know she wants to go and get petted too, but she is just to scared. Her tail wags slightly as they walk away and then she steps forward as to wanting to be petted. I feel so very bad for her, but don't know what to do.

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This sounds crazy...but ignoring Sophie's nervousness has done more good than anything else. This is the solution I am working with right now.

When the doorbell rings, she runs for it, barking. I go to the door. Put her behind me with my leg, and point to the living room telling her "thats enough, Sophie shush..." Then I open the door, and bring the person in.

Now, if everybody just ignores Sophie (pretends she actually went into the living room or stayed there). She will sniff feet, wiggle tails and the like. She likes people, but isn't sure she wants them reaching down to touch her....she will usually stay just out of reach. The more I ignore her, the braver she is in this instance.

She is afraid of men, it's a deep fear in her. She is also afraid of many 'teen' aged people. She had to learn to trust my 16 yr old son and is now devoted, but that did not carry over to other men.

She adores a female friend of our family, who Sophie has seen about once a month since the very first days she arrived. On her last visit she climbed in her lap...full of wiggles. The more people Sophie sees in general also seems to help. One of her walks are schedualed during a busy time on our street, when lots of people are coming home, kids home from school .

It seems strange, but my babying Sophie actually made her more nervous.




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