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My upright is going thru some sort of "stage"


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Man! You know I call her the Bossy One, but she is taking it to a new level. And I have been REALLY good..... most of the time. OK, there was that little chocolate adventure. :whistle: But that wasn't MY fault, now, was it??? :halo: I think I let her think she was on easy street by behaving for a long time. Now I'm all running in and out, barking, chomping stuff I normally wouldn't have bothered with. :devil: Now she's all watching me like a hawk and and yelling NONOWHATAREYOUDOING and stuff like when I was a puppy. Heck, I am nearly 11 months old and I can do WHAT I want, WHEN I want, right, fellow dawgs! They can't keep trying to boss us around and keep us down! We are just trying to express ourselves and have a little fun, right, dawgs??!! B)

I think it's time we band together and take back the power. I am forming a new group: Cairn Underground Revolution, or CUR. :twisted: We can meet and discuss strategy and RULE THE WORLD!! Are you with me, fellow cairns??? Show your support for CUR!!!!



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Uncle Brad, you crack me up! :D

Yo Eli, I'm with ya brother! It's time we demanded unlimited treats, softer beds, outside heated potty areas (how would "they" like sticking their butt on the snow????). I'm tired of hearing my Grandmom who "thinks" she watches me during the day say "Scully, where are you?" "Scully, come", "Scully, stay", "Scully, sit". Can she start a sentence without my name in it? Sheesh??

P.S. My mommy works for law enforcement so if we get arrested, I know she'll bail us out.

Scully, CEO of the Philadelphia Chapter of CUR

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We are babysitting an 80 pound Akita right now (aw, he's so easy to boss around) that we can enlist as help (muscle) in our pursuit of world domination. We'll join up with CUR ... and Harley the Akita will us help if we feed him enough! :lol:

We'll try to keep it quiet so MB (Mommy Beas') doesn't catch on right away.

Cairns Unite!!!

Teddy and Olie

Max and Nelly

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Wow! What a great show of support! Softer beds! Unlimited treats! And how 'bout free access to SQUIRRELS!!!!! And all the toilet paper we can shred!!

Brad: thanks for the 411 on that really cool website. I will see if I can get the Bossy One's credit card and order up some badges. BADGES??!! We want some stinking BADGES!!!!

Woof! from Eli, your fearless leader of CUR

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Mettwurst here. Have many ideas on how to meet groups objective, and my brother will help (he always follows me in what ever I do).

Our uptight upright has been watching us like a hawk lately, she doesn't like our choice of chew toys, so making a future meeting will be hard- will work on tunnel escape plan as soon as ground thaws here.

At Grandma's house, she had really big Dawgs that only speak in German! I believe that they might be interested in helping our cause- more muscle never hurts. They have funny things after their names like CDX, TD-- Which could prove to be useful.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Woof, Mettwurst! Glad to have you and your bro on board. And the big goons, too. Getting together will be tough, we will have to plot via the boards. Be careful of using the phones, I hear the put bugs in them. I like bugs.

I figure our best chance for action is when they are in that bathroom place. They seem to want to be alone there and won't miss us. Especially if they take that newspapaper thing in with them.

As fearless leader of CUR, I am open to your ideas!



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Can girls join???? I'd love to have more toilet paper to shred, paper towels....any kind of paper!!!! I don't care about a softer bed, I just want the ottoman in the living room, they keep telling me to get off it, I don't know why...I'm the only one that ever goes in that room! Maybe I could be a spy, they always say I'm nosey, and I'm good at kissing everybody, just like in the movies, a few kisses and those uprights let all the secrets out! So what do you think? Can I join too???


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Miss Maggie, I'm a girl so we can stick together, okay?

Hey Eli, here are two more of those dogs that only bark German. We had a conversation around the office water bowl and they said they'd be glad to be our bodyguards. They work cheap too - the only want extra large bones.



Your four-legged comrade in arms,


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Oh, Oh, Alfie PRESENT (raises paw)!!!!!

Eli, my friend, maybe you can understand what it means when my lady boss says WATCHADOOOIN??!!? I tell you why does she have to disturb me when I get BUSY, isn't that what they want us to do??? When I keep quiet, she looks at me and goes "Alfie-poo, my baby boy, are you saaaad? Do you want to plaaay?" I can't understand her! But let me tell ya, you'll like this - everytime you flip over, you're sure to get a belly rub!! AND...AND...if you are in the mood to hear that WATCHADOOIN business, whatever that means, try chewing on ANYTHING you see lying on the floor... especially those white things they call SOCKS... boy, will they try to run after you!!!! heheeee


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Sophie is quietly packing her bag and checking the bus scheduales...she will quietly join the revolution. Particularly since she discovered that another small dog has moved into the building...and baying at the windows is prohibited.



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Eli, here, your fearless leader of CUR. Good to see so much support from my fellow dawgs. Of course girls are welcome! You dawgs are full of good ideas for taking over! I so agree with the toenail thing and NO MORE BATHS! Those uprights always have to go and ruin everything; just when you find something especially fragrant to roll around in and you're feeling all spiffy, they stick you in smelly water and mess things up! Thank goodness THAT doesn't happen often. But BRUSHING!! What's up with that?? Do they have some sort of obsession or something? I HATE it! Don't they know we Cairns are supposed to be looking all scruffy and stuff? They's seen WAY too many of those sissy show dogs on Animal Planet, if you ask me.

And talk about ungrateful. You know how that Alpha B*tch of mine gets up WAY too early (IMHO) most days? And grumps around drinking coffee, then rushes out the door? Well, she seemed slow in getting started this morning (sleeping) and so I thought I'd get her up and going. You'd think she's be grateful, but she was not. Well, sooooooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyy! There's no pleasing them! Which is why we must unite and RULE!!!

Do your uprights drive you NUTS?? Do tell!


Eli, the fearless leader of CUR

(to show your loyalty, please send all your treats and bones to the following address: HEY! Get away from the computer! I'm not done yet! I'm just looking up, uh, gifts for YOU! That's right.... HEY..............dumb Alpha B*---------------)

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Oh, I want to join!!! I protest teeth brushing, and my Mom pulling out my hair! She calls it stripping but I call it abuse! How would she like it if someone started yanking on all her hair???? I just STEPPED on her hair the other day while she was laying down and she hollered like a newborn puppy. HELLO!!!!!! I am not pulling your hair out in CHUNKS lady!!!

CUR Forever!!!


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Eli, our fearless CUR leader,

I truly want to support you by sharing some of my treats, but my boss keeps that box of treats closed all the time. If anyone has any ideas on how to open that box, I will forever be grateful to you. It looks so crappy (one of those big brown boxes)one would think it's easy to open. I give them the sad look and sit in front of it, that trick does not work. My boss says I have to work for my treat, what kind of rule is that? I bark at anyone that passes by all the time, isn't that work enough???

No working for treats! No rules!


Loyal CUR member

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.... My boss says I have to work for my treat, what kind of rule is that? I bark at anyone that passes by all the time, isn't that work enough???

No working for treats! No rules!


Isn't it the truth? What do they expect? And then that Mommy Beas' dotes on those dopey little gerbils and feeds them as many sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds as they'll eat from her hand. And they don't do anything except run around and look like they'd be fun to play with. I don't know why Mommy 'Beas won't let us help them frolic...hmph! They should have to do something for treats! :mad:

Ah well, we'll just have to keep the faith and continue aiding with the plotting.

Loyal members of CUR,

Teddy and Olie

Max and Nelly

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Oooooh, Eli -- I am so ready to be a CUR!

A couple weeks ago, I nicked my Top Dog's finger on the way to my treat and now he makes me sit or lay down every time I have a little food coming my way. He puts that treat a foot in front of my nose and doesn't let me have it unless I obey totally. And on our walks I have to take the treat ever so gently from his hand -- doesn't he know I am a terror to all food and must charge and gulp? It's in my blood. Really, you'd think he wants to own one of those little poodles...

And now the Top Dogs aren't even letting me sit around in the garden room and bark at all of the dogs and people walking by. This has always been my job, and I am SO successful. After all, when I bark, they all just keep going and leave our sidewalk. Isn's that what a watch dog is supposed to do -- chase away the inntruders? And it's just because I scratched a few of the window sills.

It's been cold and I haven't been getting my walks so I'm ready to apply my energy to something new. Count me in -- can I be a general? (Oooh, I am a female terrier, and you MUST make me a general...).

I'll bring along the border collie, Walt. He's good at rounding up those Uprights.


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