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Need some advice on how to create a truce between my pup and the dog that bit him last summer. As some of you may remember the dog that lives two houses down from us escaped his gated area and charged us, bit Bosco on the leg and scratched my arms up as I was trying to protect Bosco.

Well now every time Bosco walks near that house he barks, and the other dog barks as well. I am afraid that the other dog will escape again, and he will bite my pup again. I am trying to figure out how to get them to be friends. The other dog is a pit bull/dobie mix, so is much bigger than my little 14 pounder (he gained 1/2 a pound in the last two months!).

BTW - as an aside, is it strange that I am still a bit afraid to walk Bosco since the attack? :(

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Guest Darcy's Mom

With a Pit Bull mix? Not strange at all. Here in Alabama they breed/train PitBulls to kill other bait pups that are thrown in a fighting ring as practice. The authorities try to keep on top of this horrible game sport (?) but there are so many that as soon as they shut down one operation, another pops up. You have every reason to be afraid, especially since you and Bosco have already been attacked once. I'm not sure the other dog is willing to make friends with you/Bosco. Try talking to the owners and see if you get anywhere. Good luck.

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I'm not sure there is anything you can do unless the owner is willing to work with you. I have a similar situation across the street from us, except this dog doesn't provoke barking from Scout.

I take my dogs out on walks almost every day and lately I have been taking them to the park. They love car rides so they get two treats....a "bye bye" ride and a "walk"!

Sorry I couldn't have helped more. I have found that it's better to "avoid" the other dog...but that's just what works for me.

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Yup - I carry that citronella spray repellant that was mentioned on this board, but am hoping I never ever have to use it. :(

I guess part of the problem is our pups are so small (at least mine is at 14 pounds) but they bark and sometimes provoke (ahem) like a 100 pound dog.

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Hi Milopup, if you recall Alfie also got bitten by an Akita. Although the Akita owner made friends with us, I would still not have Alfie go near her. She is not spayed and her prey instincts are very strong. In other words, better safe than sorry....

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Being a bit scared seems normal to me. I wouldn't make friends with the dog. I am a 'walk a different way" during these situations, where my son is "pick her up" during them.

Sophie doesn't start barking at another dog, until I don't let her look at them. In other words if she can see them and is moved on, she's fine. But if I try and rush her to avoid seeing them, the yapping starts.

She does concern me because she has no concept of size and is even more excited to see large dogs than ones close to her size.



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It is best that you do not attempt this yourself. Socializing dogs that have had previous differences of opinion should be done by a professional handler in a controlled environment. Don't put yourself or your little fur baby in danger. Sometimes it is better to avoid the other animal. I would hate to hear that either of you got hurt.

And no, it's not unusual that you are still apprehensive about that other dog. It is your survival instinct trying to protect you.

I think Cairns see weight/size different than we do. I know my 14 pound boy is convinced his true weight is 140 pounds.

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Thanks everyone - the owners of the other pup are cosmetically nice to us (surface nice if you would), but I think they are afraid we will report them even at this late date. And we found out that the dog has escaped before, and bit a yorkie in the neighborhood. Not to mention scaring our elderly neighbor who lives between our two houses when their dog wound up in the neighbors back yard!

I will keep an eye on the situation (back to visit my pup in 48 hours!!) and try to not walk next to that house - unfortunately the roads are such that the furthest away from that house is still across the street from it. :(

Wish me luck - I have pup walking duties for the next month I am home, just need to get over my apprehension and fear. :(

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That is a scary situation... I would try to avoid that house as much as possible. And like the advice from Toomanypaws, maybe worth the trip somewhere else to walk. I think a can of Bear Repellant (pepper spray) in hand is a worthwhile investment, it may also help give you some confidence to walk. I've been bitten twice and attacked on a couple of other occassions, all when i was between 8-12 years old... the joys of rural living and being the paperboy!! its not fun! I've certainly noticed the rural dogs are not as socialised as 'city' dogs in general... I also think that if your neighbours are at least trying to be nice, it would be worth making comment to them if you think there are compromises in their fencing, maybe they need springloaded hinges on their gate so it closes behind them...

Good Luck!


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Unfortunately this dog lives just two houses down and any call to animal control (which i tried to call last summer when we were attacked - they told us to call the Police who ended up doing nothing!!) has been futile, and might just cause animosity. We dont want to get in a situation where if animal control finally does something, it is just a quick warning and tattling that we are the ones who called it in. :( :(

BTW - it is freezing cold tonight and the poor dog from two houses away is barking like mad, and has been for hours. Wonder if they are still making him an outside dog? :(

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We had to call animal control several times before we got any results. We have no leash laws but they told us that if enough people call about the same dog, it is considered a nuisence and action can be taken. We had several other neighbors call and FINALLY got some action. They never told the offenders who called. One of the other neighbors was VERY vocal about it before they called and the offenders assumed that they are the only ones that called them.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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We had to call animal control on our neighbor's dog across the street. Their dog has attacked several dogs, including Scout. It's been a few months, but for several days their dog was loose. After about the third day I called AC. I don't know what happened, but I do know this was their third call on the same dog. The dog is still there but has not been out since.

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When I was about ten years old (a long time ago!), I was bitten by a german shephard. To this day, I am scared to death of big dogs, and especially that breed. When my deputies bring in one of the K9's it is all I can do to muster the strength to stay in the room. I know they are friendly and would never bite me, but it is something I will never forget as long as I live.

It was really hard for me to accept our daughters dogs when she got pit bulls, but since getting to know them and watching them grow up, I have no problem being around them. Of course, it helps that they love me to death....not to mention Cooper and Yoda!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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