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Georgia Clay Lips


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Hi everyoneQ

I let the kids out to take care of business while I dressed and Sugar found a great place to play the MUD


She was getting herself ready for the next time we show...a mud bath!

For any of you in the Atlanta Area there is a show in Jonesboro Cairns show Sat at 10:25 ring 11 and Sunday in ring 16 12:55 there are 18 Carins on Saturday and 20 on Sunday


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Sugar has to be the most gorgeous little girl Cairn I've ever seen. She has "MODEL" written all over her. (And it's written in mud obviously ;) )

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How sweet! Sugar must have discovered the benefits of a mud pack for the complextion. She knows she needs to look her very best for the show this weekend. Do your best, Sugar! We are rooting for you.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D


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Georgia red clay is a bad thing on lightly colored Cairns (nose, muzzle and feet!).....


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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You know how the kids will dye part of their hair red or blue? Savannah in particular looks like she just wanted a new beauty treatment. And the look in her eyes -- "Don't say a word -- I was just trying something new...."

Minnesota mud is brown, and not nearly so flattering on Allie as that red is on Sugar and Savannah!

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Tink has been in the Memphis brown mud all weekend. With a lot of rain, and chipmunks around the house, she has been a mess :mad: . She dug a huge hole searching for chipmunks, and she tore the drain hose off the gutter spout. She did get a shower on Saturday! Of course, she ran in the house and trotted over my bed before I could grab her, so I had to wash all the bedding on Saturday. Then Sunday she came in with dirty feet and got it dirty again. Unbelievably, I wasn't even mad at her. Guess that's what love does to us :wub: !



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Maryland is also renowned for its red clay. I guess that's why tobacco was one of the top crops here for so long.

That sweet picture of Sugar looks all too familiar. We moved to a home a little over a year ago where there was, apparently, a family of moles living in the back yard. Olie and Teddy still come in with brown muzzles, although I think the poor moles have long ago moved on. Soooo, now we have a nice system of holes in the back yard. The Lads maintain that system of holes on a reliable basis! :)

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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