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Last night I woke up in a cold sweat....

In my dream someone left our garage door open and Elliott started running down the hallway towards the garage. I tried to stop him but he raced right by me towards freedom. The only way I could get a hold of him was by his butt hairs. :shock:

There I was being dragged through the garage but holding on for dear life.

Dream ended with him in my arms.

You know all day I'm going to be a neurotic...

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Yikes!! That's my biggest nightmare when I'm awake. Sorry you had a bad night.

I think even if Elliott turns into Helliott today you won't get mad at him.

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oh my, no more of those kind of dreams - Elliott must have known you were worried about him and jumped into your arms to say "it's OK" I'm here !

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I have all sorts of wierd dreams when we're in campgrounds, the motor homes are so big!!!! Scares me....

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Sorry to laugh Kay, but really... you have to wonder if sweet little Helliot's antics caused the dream! Glad all is okay!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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What a scary dream!!! I hate when I dream something happened to my baby. It worries me all day!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest posting as: JerryLv

I lived your nighmare. Last week I came home for lunch and took Zen out

for a watering. We returned home and I prepared my lunch. Suddenly I became

aware that I wasn't aware of his presence. Always a bad sign. When I looked on the patio I noticed the door to the garage was open. I had also left the garage door open. Immediate panic! I ran to the park where we excersise him daily and he has a doggie friend. NO ZEN. Even though it is a gated community, he could easily get out and onto a busy street. More Panic! Called my wife (at work) and told her he was gone. She went into shock and said she would come home immediately. To make it short......15 minutes later the maintenance man came around the corner in his golf cart. There was Zen sitting next to him just as proud as could be that he was riding around on the cart. I can't tell you how relieved we were. Just goes to show you ...you can never relax around a cairn. :twisted:

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As I'm reading your post I can easily imagine the panic you must have felt.

But to see Zen in a golf cart without a care in the world while you're freaking out :shock::shock::shock:

How do we love them....Let us count the ways? (grey hair, wrinkles, prozac, high cholesterol, anxiety, stress) BUT, they are so worth their weight in gold!

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Jerry- glad to hear everything turned out okay-

Kay- When we first got the boys, I kept dreaming night after night that they were in bed with us. I'd wake my husband up and tell him not to squish a puppy!

It got to the point that I would swear that I could feel the fur, foot pads, nails! Then I started having to get out of bed and check to make sure they were in the crate, because the dream seemed so real. This went on for weeks, it got less and less as they got bigger.

I am almost ashamed to tell everyone this- About a month ago, during the weekend- Hubby and I were doing chores around the house, and came in via the garage door- The boys were inside with the dog doors locked, and well one of us (Hubby) didn't close the garage door..... I opended the dog door when He came in... A knock on the door and a neighbor w/ child carring Mett & Bratt were our notification to the escape. :shock: Now we double, and sometimes triple check the garage doors.

This coming from a women who has turned around on her way to work because she wasn't sure if she turned something off, or locked something.......

Oh the grey hairs........... But at least I know you share in the too!


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Wow, scary to think about those moments of instant panic! Maybe no one should get a cairn until they already have gray hair........or maybe they should come with prozac or some other drug with the same effect........or maybe they should come with GPS systems.........or maybe.......

........I think you all get the idea, lol. I raised twins so I guess I have one up on a lot of you all, because I know two heads are always more mischieveous then one, of the stories I can tell......:)


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