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The Calendar Said Jan 21st...


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It was so unseasonably warm on Saturday that my pup and I went out for a four hour hike. Well, since last weekend we've received six inches of fresh snow but it was lovely while we had temps in the mid-50s in January. Wow!

(Can you find Harry in the picture?? He blends right in with the surroundings.)


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Blimey, Harry should be employed by Military Intelligence for undercover work :shock:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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What a nice picture and nice hike you must have had. If I dared to try that w/ my oldest Kiara, my picture would be her blurred rear end as she ran away on the hunt of her life.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I said it before and I'll say it again....Harry is a GREAT life!!! That little fellow gets to do more than us humans.

What IS your secret that he doesn't run away?? I'd be terrified.

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What a great photo!

(Lisad, I got a bit startled when I looked at the photo because it looks exactly like the creek in our backyard.....)

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Scully's Mom,

Ever since Harry was eight weeks old, I brought him to places where I could let him off lead (absolutely no houses, no cars...nothing around). My "theory" being that the sooner he is used to being off leash the more he'll think that it's "normal" and there'll be no need to "run-a-muck". All along I would (obviously) watch him like a hawk and I started training right away with the commands "this way" and "wait". "This way" brings him back to my direction and when I say "wait" he stops in his tracks. (He knows the word "come" but until I know he will do it reliably each time, I don't even use it while he is off leash.) I also spend lots and lots and lots of time with him. I work three days a week and we have no children so Harry gets all my time. I love the outdoors so we are out everyday, rain, snow, sleet or hail. He does very well. The other day we were out early in the morning and three whitetail deer crossed right in front of us. Harry tensed up and started off after them. I called out "no" and said "Harry, this way!" And he responded right away. I was very pleased with him. So far he's met deer, pheasants, chipmunks, squirrels and even wild turkeys. However, I never, ever allow him off lead if we are walking near town or even if I I remotely sense that things aren't "safe". The temptations are too great for him (he thinks all cars house wonderful people and happy dogs). I think I have been blessed with a good pup too.


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My first Cairn was like Harry. She would sit out front with me off leash by the hour and never move away from the house, even if someone went by the house. I THOUGHT that was the norm, until I got Scully and realized Ginger was one of a kind in that respect.

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Hi Lisa...I'm so impressed...both with the pictures (beautiful country) and Harry's behavior. We would love to be able to allow Fergus off leash. At this point, we're scared to death to try it. Hopefully, when spring comes, we can get him into an area where we can try it out.

Fergus :P & Alf

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Guest Darcy's Mom


Do you know how lucky you are to have a cairn that will listen to your commands and obey? Wow! You must be doing something right.

The pics are georgeous, I'm so envious of the creek and open country and of course, the snow. We don't get much in the South. In fact, if it snowed, my two pups wouldn't know what it was.

Toby, one of our previous Cairns, would obey pretty good. My husband would take him outside the house in front and just walk around and Toby would stay right with him and not wander off. They would sit on the front porch for hours too and Toby would just watch the world go by, squirrels mostly, and not move a muscle. We were very lucky with him. Darcy on the other hand I don't trust at all. She's never been off leash when I walk her. She's taken off on me one time when she was a pup and ran all over the neighborhood with me behind her calling her name. She just went on romping through neighbors' yards.


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