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Exercise Pen


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Hello everyone!

We've been reading this forum over the past 2 weeks as we are in the process of adopting a healthy 3 yrd old rescued Cairn named Guthrie. We are set to bring him home this Friday (01/27).

It was suggested to us by the Adopion Director/Foster parent during his visit to our home that instead of a crate we should keep him in a exercise pen when we are away (work, shopping, etc.)

Guthrie has been kept in a crate for about 4 mo's I believe primarily at bedtime. He was not only dog being fostered by the Director. We have a nice spot in our kitchen next to a window that is big enough for "2" 6x2 exersice pens. We are debating whether "1" 6x2 pen is large enough or if we should connect a 2nd pen and expand his area? I would like to give him ample room to stretch his legs during the day as we are at work roughly 8 hours.

Guthrie is a bit bigger than the average Cairn, he was about 20-23 lbs. IMo 6x2 would be too cramped for 8 hours.

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank You,

Jim & Melanie

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Extension of the ex-pen sounds like a good idea. We have pet gates in the kitchen where we leave Alfie and we're happy that he can run around if he has to. We crate him at night only. Some cairn owners do crate even during the day, perhaps they will also post their experiences....

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Our plan is to only him in the pen and close the gate for bedtime or when we are away. Leave the gate open when we are at home and if he wants to go into the pen for some independent time he can do so. It will be his part of the house.

He will be our only pet.

Would it be a good idea to feed him in his pen?


Jim & Melanie

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Absolutely! This will help prevent him from using the pen as his toilet as dogs do not want to potty where they eat. Congratulations on your new pet! We've enjoyed Alfie since we adopted him a year ago.

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Congratulations to you and Melanie on the arrival of Guthrie! I LOVE his name!

Personally I think the larger size would be better. Scully was a crate dog but only for bedtime and when she was young, if we went out for a couple of hours. She's always been excellent with the kiddie gate at the kitchen door where she had full use of the kitchen area and we never had a problem.

Again, best of luck with Guthrie! You are absolutely going to love being a Cairn parent.

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Ours are both in crates during the day, but from what I gather, they spend it sleeping. I know on days I am home during the day, they spend it sleeping, curled up on the couch. If you can, a baby gate does work well, we also have one of those. The two of ours get into too much trouble though, when left loose like that, and tend to get barking. This was not a problem, but now that my husband works graveyard and is upstairs sleeping, it makes him a cranky man.

Quite often, when we are home during the day, Cooper will go into his crate to take a nap....Yoda will never do that! His job in life is to be on my lap unless it is dinner time! :P


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Congratulations on your new Cairn! Prior to the major home re-modeling we are currently undergoing, our two Cairns each had their own 2 X 6 exercise pens with a big comfy bed in it. They stayed in there during the day while we were at work and they also ate and slept there. I liked the idea that it gave them some walking around room, even though I think they typically sleep all day! They are currently sharing a 2X4 exercise pen with slighly smaller and less comfy beds and they seem fine with it. They are eating where ever we can find a clean spot for a bowl. The grand plan is that they will share a 2 X 6 exercise pen, but since I like to feed them seperately I may find a way to join two pens and make a 2X8 pen with two 2X4 compartments.

Edited to add: I think it is a good idea to feed the dog in his crate.

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I don't know about everyone else, but I wasted a lot of good money buying ex pen for Abby Rose. She's part cat and climbs out!!!!!!! Little :devil:

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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Hello and congratulations! Guthrie is a great name.... any chance you named him after the town in Oklahoma???? (I happen to originally be from OK).

Anyway, we bought an ex-pen for Darcy when she was a pup for outside use and she hated it. (good waste of $99).

Since May, we have kept her in our master bathroom that has linoleum flooring. We've gone through a TON of gates (good waste of more $$$). If you take anything away from this, I have this to share... we found (as others have mentioned) anything that has both horizontal and vertical bars (gates, ex-pen) Darcy could climb out of. We now have a tall gate with vertical bars ONLY. She has not escaped since.

Enjoy Guthrie and I'm glad you found a a little guy to adopt! Make sure you post pictures when you bring him home!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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congrats on your new addition!! ...we crated maggie for the first few months, then bought a 48x48 expen, her crate is in there with the door open and she stays in there during the day and at night, its in front of the living room window and she has a 'perch' in there where she can jump up and sit and look out the window. i find that when i come home for lunch she is in her crate anyways (most of the time), but i like the idea that she can get out and walk around, look out the window -which she does a lot too, etc.etc. haven't had any issues with her climbing out (yet!)... we also take the crate with us anywhere we go with her, and sometimes the expen to my parents so we can block her in for dinner... found mine used for half the price, they show up for sale...


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Thank you to everyone for the responses and the welcomes/congratulations. We are excited about Guthrie. We've spent 2 hours with him over the course of 2 days last week getting to know him. He is very friendly, energetic, and playful. We hope the adjustment to a new and permanent home goes well for him since he's been fostered by teh same person for 4 months.

Is there a post in the forums that explains how to posts pictures, avatars, etc?


Jim & Melanie

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He looks like a perfect gentleman. Congratulations and enjoy being Cairn parents. They are so amusing and entertaining. Please make sure to share all Guthrie's adventures with us....

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